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Underground factory producing fake cans of drinks gets busted in Dongguan.

Sometimes in China alcohol can be so insanely cheap that it’s hard not to wonder where it all comes from.

Well, recently three video clips making the rounds on WeChat have helped to shine light on one source, showing an underground factory in Dongguan which produced thousands upon thousands of fake cans of drinks each day before being busted by city authorities on May 5th.

In the first clip, female workers can be seen handling the recycled cans which are then canned by a machine on a conveyor belt in the next clip. Then, the third clip shows a Trade and Industry Bureau task force arriving at the factory to check out its stockpile.

According to city authorities, the underground factory was able to churn out 600,000 boxes of fake drinks a month, which were then distributed to bars and nightclubs.

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