Νέα Βίντεο

An amateur explains to a professional how to swing…

(1) | 01/03/2024 | 0 σχόλια

Random man trying to explain to pro golfer Georgia Ball how to swing in golf.

A good road safety video

(3) | 29/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

Good little prevention video which reminds us that driving very fast in a car, to the point of speeding, hardly saves any time.

Pizza delivery at sea

(5) | 29/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

Pizza delivery at sea with a helicopter

Bad van!

(2) | 27/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

A van restrains its passenger using its belt.

Siri is good at listening

(1) | 26/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

Man is trying to send a text message to a friend using Siri, and almost has a car accident.

Oh look, an eagle!

(5) | 22/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

Red Dead Redemption 2 – Hit by a deer.

The dent on the head of streamers

(1) | 22/02/2024 | 0 σχόλια

In this compilation, several streamers notice that they have a dent on their head. By wearing the headphones on the head for too long, the headband pushes into the scalp on the top of the […]