Νέα Βίντεο

New masterpiece from Zach King

(3) | 27/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

New masterpiece from Zach King

Dancing Nokia phones

(0) | 27/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Dancing Nokia phones

World politicians sing famous songs

(0) | 26/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

World politicians sing famous songs

Look look I’m American!

(0) | 26/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Imitate an American

Rio-Antirrio Bridge: The Most Challenging Bridge Ever Built

(4) | 26/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Rio-Antirrio Bridge: The Most Challenging Bridge Ever Built

Trousers to match the suitcase

(0) | 26/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Trousers to match the suitcase

Earth explosion 3D animation

(10) | 25/06/2021 | 1 Σχόλιο

Two astronauts that landed on the moon, watch the earth explode.

He chose number 3

(4) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια


Deutschcreme will get you accepted

(0) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Funny commercial from MTV

How you teach a cat to use the toilet

(1) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

How you teach a cat to use the toilet

Quick self defense move if you are getting robbed

(1) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Quick self defense move if you are getting robbed

What is the dumbest tattoo that you ever got?

(0) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

What is the dumbest tattoo that you ever got?

Testing a 50 year old mercury arc rectifier

(0) | 25/06/2021 | 1 Σχόλιο

A mercury-arc rectifier is a type of electrical rectifier used for converting high-voltage or high-current alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). It is a type of cold cathode gas-filled tube, but is unusual in […]

Ukrainian influencer tries to take back iPhone he gave to a little girl

(6) | 25/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Ukrainian TikToker Alexander Voloshin gave his young fan an iPhone for the camera, but after filming he removed the “accessories” from the girl’s hands. Then his mother’s words are,“My daughter is constantly watching him on […]

Transition Contact Lenses

(2) | 24/06/2021 | 0 σχόλια

Lenses that tint with sunlight