Μια βόλτα στην Αθήνα!
metal musicians write a pop song in 24 hours
metal musicians write a pop song in 24 hours
Greek Language Challenge with Andreas – 안드레아스에게 간단한 그리스어 배우기! [TalkToMeInKorean]
We sat down with our friend Andreas Varsakopoulos from Greece and tried learning some fun Greek expressions! Next week, we’ll have a Korean language challenge with Andreas and see how many Korean idioms and slang […]
Crushing Adamantium with Hydraulic Press
This video produced in partnership with 20th Century Fox
Turkey Enjoys a Hug
Albert the Turkey lets out a happy purr when he gets a hug!
So my IPhone 7 plus blew up this morning was not even using it, literally no explanation for this
So my IPhone 7 plus blew up this morning was not even using it, literally no explanation for this
Άνθρωπος στη θάλασσα
Τα δυο πιο εφιαλτικά δευτερόλεπτα της ζωής του πέρασε ο Αμερικανός ιστιοπλόος, Γκρέιαμ Σπενς. Την ώρα που βρισκόταν πάνω στο ταχύπλοο, έχασε την ισορροπία του, έπεσε στη θάλασσα και βρέθηκε ακριβώς από κάτω, την ώρα […]
Δεν υπάρχει Αστυνομία στα Εξάρχεια (Shooting Stars edition)
Δεν υπάρχει Αστυνομία στα Εξάρχεια (Shooting Stars edition)
Optical Illusion Ring
This ring is cleverly designed, so that when you turn it on your finger, it seems to be getting bigger. If you turn it the other way, it appears to be getting smaller. Amazing!
One of Kurt Cobain’s Final Interviews – Incl. Extremely Rare Footage
One of Kurt Cobain’s final interviews before his tragic death, this WatchMojo Presents video From the MUCH Vaults is an incredible look into the man and artist that we present on the day that would […]
Husky, Ugly to Beautiful
He was adopted a few days after this video was posted !!!!!!