Νέα Βίντεο

FIFA Puskas Award 2015 ● All Nominated Goals

(1) | 19/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Craziest Football Goals of 2015 featuring Lionel Messi, Alessandro Florenzi and more.

Η κλωτσιά του αγρότη καρατέκα στα ΜΑΤ

(1) | 19/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Η κλωτσιά του αγρότη καρατέκα στα ΜΑΤ

Evolution Of PC Gaming Hardware

(1) | 19/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

PC gaming hardware has come a long way. It grows every year and has a loyal fanbase always eager to learn and tweak and play. Let’s break it all down from the beginning.

John Oliver – France is going to endure

(1) | 19/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

John Oliver – France is going to endure

NERF Blaster: Air Restriction Mechanism

(0) | 19/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Bill reveals the engineering design of a NERF blaster, including how it shoots only one dart at a time using a novel air restriction mechanism.

This is real talent

(2) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

This is real talent

Risky Attacks Gone Wrong: Biggest Fails In MMA History! (Compilation)

(1) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Risky Attacks Gone Wrong: Biggest Fails In MMA History! (Compilation)

I Want My Phone Back: The Scariest Game Show Ever

(1) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

What’s more terrifying than NOT being on your phone?

10 Movies You Won’t Believe Are Based On REAL Stories

(0) | 18/11/2015 | 1 Σχόλιο

10 Amazing Films Based On Crazy True Stories!

The Gladiator Spider

(1) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

This is a video of the gladiator spider taken from the BBC’s Life in the Undergrowth documentary series.

Father and Son have the most precious conversation about Paris attacks (Le Petit Journal)

(0) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

A father and son have the most precious conversation during an interview by french media (Le Petit Journal sur Canal+) at the scene of the Bataclan attacks. I saw that it hadn’t been subtitled in […]

The People’s Film: «Under Sixty Seconds – Unexpected Sh!t»

(1) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

TWO RAPPERS PRESENT: A movie about a bank robbery. From Norwegian TV-show “Karl Johan” featuring Erik Solbakken and Hasse Hope. Thanks to Anthony “Young Certified” Dagher and Qasim Ruthless Khan for their great story.

Windcatcher AirPad 2

(0) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

The Windcatcher AirPad 2 can be inflated in seconds with no power or pumping. It even deflates and packs up in seconds too. For more info visit: http://www.windcatchergear.com/

Why people believe they can’t draw – and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull

(1) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Why is it that so many people think they can’t draw? Where did we learn to believe that? Graham Shaw will shatter this illusion – quite literally – in a very practical way. He’ll demonstrate […]

GRASSMEN – Donkey Contracts feat. Kirstie (Our First GRASSWOMAN!)GRASSMEN – Donkey Contracts feat. Kirstie (Our First GRASSWOMAN!)

(3) | 18/11/2015 | 0 σχόλια

Order Donkey Contracts now to see this lady take the wheel, a GRASSMEN first, in her ‘wee pet’, the Massey 6616.