Λαϊκή Ενότητα – Double Thug Life edition
Λαϊκή Ενότητα – Double Thug Life edition
Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration
Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration
Προεκλογικό Σποτ Νο3 της “ΕΝΩΣΗΣ ΚΕΝΤΡΩΩΝ”
Προεκλογικό Σποτ Νο3 της “ΕΝΩΣΗΣ ΚΕΝΤΡΩΩΝ”
How to Explore the Surface of a Comet or Asteroid
A robot concept called Hedgehog could explore the microgravity environment of comets and asteroids by hopping and rolling around on them.
1985 News Story on Debut of the Compact Disc (CD)
This story is from 1985 and heralds the debut of the compact disc in the US. The host at the beginning of the story is former Detroit NBC Affiliate WDIV anchor Mort Crim.
Where Did Sugar Come From?
Brian Cox looks into where sugar originally came from and talks to a sugar historian about when it arrived in Britain. Taken from Addicted To Pleasure.
10 Hidden Connections In Tarantino Films
10 Hidden Clues To Quentin Tarantino’s Shared Universe! Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill & Many More!
ベトナム各観光地のまとめ ベトナムのイメージ おすすめ
45日にわたってベトナムならではの観光地やイメージを映画にまとめました。ロシア人の兄弟のGeorgy TarasovさんとDaniil Tarasov さんのおがけで世界人の皆さんがべナトムはどんな国か、どんな観光地があるか、どんなイメージかわかるようになりました。特に日本人の皆さんこのビデオを見てから機会があったら、是非ベトナムへ旅行に行ってみてください。ビデオの観光地、イメージに関してのお問い合わせはmichaelnt9312@gmailまでご連絡ください。宜しくお願いしますチャンネルの登録も宜しくお願います
Immigrants terrorize the inhabitants of Lesbos pt2
Immigrants terrorize the inhabitants of Lesbos pt2
Immigrants terrorize the inhabitants of the island of Lesbos
Immigrants terrorize the inhabitants of Lesbos
Samuel L. Jackson’s Purple Light Sabre
Samuel L. Jackson chats about his purple light sabre and Graham gives him a toy one to play with.