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In a parking lot in the United States, two women quarrel, but the row will soon evolved into a duel between car collision.
After taking on the ground of the parking area, the two women will get in their cars (a Rav4 and a BMW) and the 'conflicting' will begin. The woman with the Rav4 will leave the scene tearing up a fire hydrant with the SUV of.
Αμάν χρέη… Θα τα βρούνε και θα κοροιδέψουν τις ασφαλιστικές τους, easy. But the video will xeftylisei and will charge the. Anyone want his joker numbers;
Sofia Andreadou
mayres zwa! den perimeneis kati diaforetiko !
Stay your good psofo.
Chontrochazo ameriklanes.
This thing where attendees, instead of intervening , sit and fun I can not figure it out
και εγώ το ίδιο θα έκανα πάντως…άμα έβλεπα δύο κωλόζωα με ακριβά τζιπ να διαλύουν τα αμάξια τους για να αποδείξουν ποιος είναι πιο μάγκας, σιγά μην με νοιάξει να τους χωρίσω….να τα διαλύσουν να τα χάσουν να μάθουν (We say now)….