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A student crosses the road without looking

On a mountain road in Norway, a child avoids briefly being hit by a truck when blindly passes the road behind a school bus. Fortunately, the truck driver had good reflexes and brakes, managing to stop in time.

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  1. Ἀstronomos says:

    Are the brakes but: “Οδηγείτε με ασφάλεια και ταχύτητα με υψηλότερη ισχύ φρεναρίσματος.Το ΤΚΒ+ (or BEMP – Brakes (Brake) Volvo Engine – Volvo Engine Brake) παρέχει αξεπέραστη ικανότητα πέδησης του κινητήρα και ταιριάζει τόσο σε μακρινές και βαριές κατασκευές.Το ΤΚΒ+, is a clear proof of the fact that Volvo, έχει σημειώσει την μεγαλύτερη πρόοδο στον κόσμο όσον αφορά την τεχνολογία κινητήρων για βαρέα φορτηγά.”=====================================“Αυτό που κάνει έναν κινητήρα εξοπλισμένο με ΤΚΒ+ τόσο μοναδικό, It is that it has four rockers (articulated arms) ανά κύλινδρο.Ο ειδικός εκκεντροφόρος, who has additional cam, προωθεί επίσης τον προηγμένο έλεγχοτου χρονισμού της βαλβίδας.Ο τέταρτος βραχίονας, used during the braking phase, καθιστώντας δυνατή τηναύξηση της πίεσης στις βαλβίδες εξαγωγής.Η αυξημένη πίεση, means higher braking effect (braking).Το αποτέλεσμα είναι το πιο ισχυρό τροχοπέδη (brake) engine in the world – FKB+ – which in the D16E (Nti16E) produces a massive braking effect of 578 hp!”Από εδώ:Πηγές: reducing the speed of a vehicle by the driver of, braking (brake): (brake): rockers or rockers, are levers which on one side receive the force from the thrust bearing and close to the flywheel while the other end is removed to thereby retract the springs and remove the pressure plate. braking (English), The term 'engine braking', It refers to braking phenomenon happens to gasoline when the accelerator pedal is released (gas pedal).: (Nti16E): valves (only search):….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..1.0.0….0.CAFDCzZRlyE

    • listen-up says:

      The driver in the Volvo truck saved the day, haha :)

    • George Kosmidis says:

      'wannabe offer knowledge', for free effort

      • Ἀstronomos says:

        here you go; ostensibly;And what do you mean 'supposedly offer knowledge, for free attempt ';Δεν είναι δικές μου γνώσεις.Γι’ αυτό αναφέρω και τις πηγές.Πάντως αυτά που έγραψα, not know, I looked quite, because I was struck by the vehicle speed reduction time by the driver, which reduced time and worked, in so little time.

  2. dimitris81gr says:

    This is what happens when all 3 are jackals. First the truck driver with timely reflexes , the driver of the car which was right, and maybe stop that kid but maybe eventually trucker prepared him for such immediacy , and finally the youngster no matter where the mistake did, reacted and he explosiveness where for a step less be spared too many.