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An accident review

The TAC is an organization that has been established for the financing of care for victims of motor vehicle accidents, in the State of Victoria, Australia. Extra, with very aptly and usually shocking advertising, promotes security and attention of drivers on the roads. This is a recent advertising agency, considering the accident a motorcyclist.

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  1. Kostas says:

    The whole point of the video focuses not on whether it is safe protective measures that should get a guide. Πόσο μάλλον ένας οδηγός μηχανής που είναι ευάλωτος σε πολλούς περισσότερους κινδύνους απ’ ότι ένας οδηγός αυτοκινήτου. The point lies in whether one can easily react to these risks when the display. Yes, I agree that there are differences from machine to machine and from person to person, but this gives no excuse to anyone to say that I have the most perfect machine and fully protect me so I have no problem to run, nor says that I am the most perfect guide so I can respond immediately to any event. Οι γνωστοί σε όλους μας “ξερόλες”! Within these, are those who believe that these ads in order to kindynologoyn to scare to go to buy helmets, uniforms and anything else your protector peddle companies aiming to enrich, etc etc. Mega mistake!! It is good to have a little fear because it puts us into paragraphs so don't take things lightly! Everyone everything can happen and that's the truth! The only thing that changes is the way in which they react to each case and the necessary supplies protection we have. Not bad to go slower in your bed or to start early to arrive on time.. All I fulfill speed is pure selfishness Sou, and increases the adrenaline (that is the feeling of euphoria) anything else!! Nor is it bad to wear a helmet or the necessary outfit that is a form of protection that you can get on the road. Δεν είναι σωστό το “δεν φοράνε οι άλλοι άρα δεν θα φορέσω κι εγώ”. These are all excuses and easy solution. Να ρίξουμε αλλού το φταίξιμο για να μην “τιμωρηθούμε” εμείς. On the road, If it's not accept responsibility that corresponds, do not condemn only yourself but probably those around you! As for the driver of the car that does not respect the priority, think about it differently.. is this a case that may meet!!! You don't want to have the ability to properly reactions;

  2. METALO says:

    kranoi in melon with lemoy prostatewtika(in opos agonistika )(amaxia)and opos with aerosako machine (pollaaaa Ta lefta)σαν της bmw αλλα εδω……Ελαααδααααααααα…..

  3. Alex_M says:

    What is meant by speed limit ; Because all vehicles are not the same (and let alone the drivers) There is no more relevant thing from the speed limit. 60km/h with the same brake a Hayabusa and the same a chrepi PAPI with worn tires; Or the same reaction speed have a driver 30 and a 70 year old woman with Parkinson's waterfall: The only thing that can prevent the accident is to have everyone's maturity and seriousness to respect others (and himself, i.e.: not running in residential areas, to maintain his vehicle, not lead if his abilities are reduced etc.)

  4. to 2002 says:

    Dikio have, If you go with less km, θα ειχε αποφυγει την συγκρουση.Οπως επισης αν πηγαινε με 40,20 or on foot, παλι θα το ειχε αποφυγει.Οπως επισης, If the car tiroyse the priority, the koitage before stripsei, παλι δεν θα γινόταν τιποτα.Οποτε, my view, I do not know if you have a Kani, but could a ftiaxoyn self spotaki, that will be great eg and the driver of the car, “μια μικρη λεπτομερια”, If it was a little more prosektikos, ενας ανθρωπος θα ζουσε…Οποτε ολα ειναι σχετικα…Αλοιως θα μπορουσε να ειναι αλλο ενα βιντεακι που δειχνει ποσο επικινδυνες ειναι οι μοτοσυκλετες…Καλα χιλιομετρα και ασφαλη σε ολους

  5. fun says:

    Μία άλλη άποψη…Αν, tell me now, ήταν η μηχανή εξοπλισμένη με τα απαραίτητα εκείνα “αξεσουάρ” (Proximity sensors connected to the throttle) which would not allow for speed greater than that which would be safe, to avoid any conflict, θα είχε λόγο ύπαρξης η οποιαδήποτε “καμπάνια” αποφυγής ατυχημάτων… Αλλά τι λέω τώρα…Όχι ατυχήματα=όχι ανταλλακτικά, No new motorbikes, No injuries, no deaths(funeral expenses), όχι πωλήσεις κρανών για να μην τραυματιστείς στο κεφάλι “θανάσιμα”(as if the neck is made of titanium)…Όχι ατυχήματα=όχι κυκλοφορία άχρηστου τυπωμένου κοπανιστού αέρα=όχι “κέρδη”…Above all… Even a human being…

    • epithelial says:

      Of course if we wore helmet de espaze 8A the laimos, οποτε αν δεν εσπαζε το κεφαλι 8α ειχε σωθει…Δικη μου αποψη ειναι οτι πρεπει να εισαι συντηριτικος οσο σου το επιτρεπει η ιδιοσυγκρασια σου και να αναγνωριζεις οτι σε περιπτωση ατυχηματος φταις παντα. Even LIGO.

  6. Alex says:

    Ki if it was 80 km would have overtaken. These are lucky.

    • Cafeine_01 says:

      μην τους το πεις γιατί θα πρέπει μετά να το κλείσουν το μαγαζί…………ή….να βρούν καινούργιο διαφημιστή….:P…..

      • Alex says:

        No dude why closed, if indeed reduces the speed at 60 would have saved. Don't say anything fake. ;P

    • Gus_x says:

      What logic is this; Ie go to 200 and I leave it all to chance; But if you hit 80; The ad wants to say that you have the ability to think and easier to change course if you are moving at a slower speed. What makes more sense; Αλλά φυσικά ο κλασσικός Έλληνας κάνει πάντα αυτό που ξέρει καλύτερα – τον έξυπνο

      • Alex says:

        Look dude, I did the smart, a comment I made. Also, If I then (Once) I go 60 I will save my accident(I was driving machine), but go with 80! But Skiachtika the ad. Also Greek will not become ever ;)Also, 200 need a little luck on your feather. These. Καλημέρεzzz…Να φοράτε (well) Helmets! Is beauty!