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Once the team has stayed without goals in the last 5 matches, fans of German FC Magdeburg (4th category) they decide to take matters into their own hands… literally. Fitted with neon light paper arrows, μαζεύτηκαν πάνω από την εστία της αντίπαλης Berliner AK ’07 και έδειχναν στους ποδοσφαιριστές της ομάδας τους κατά που πέφτει το τέρμα. Finally broke the gkantemia after the Magdeburg scored a goal, but unfortunately lost 2-1.
oti kalytero ehei simvei sta podosfairika gipeda apo tote pou o patikas ekopse ti balla
Dakryzo say!
which however Magdeburg, and has a European Cup AMA Sweepstakes http://www.sports-history.com/…/1974-magdeburg.html
4h kathgoria me tetoio ghpedo??/
the fucking your momma
response from the moment of the goal we have?
Re the memetia with mazeytikan
Really RESPECT apeira Apisteytoi.
kai me ton appolon thn 1 agonistiki evale mpoufe!!!
ρε τους παπαναστασιακους….πρεπει να αδελφοποιηθουν….και εκεινοι στην 3η αγωνιστικη καταφεραν να βαλουν γκολ αλλα και παλι δεν νικησαν
K L A I Z !!!!!!!!!!!!!