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A wonderful advertisement from Thailand

Από την συγκινητική διαφήμιση εταιρία Πολύ τηλεπικοινωνιών TrueMove στην Ταϊλάνδη.

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  1. Midi Skarpelo says:

    “Nikos Georgioukalo alla oxi gia ellines giatrous” Μάλλον δεν έχετε γνωρίσει πολλούς έλληνες γιατρούς!

  2. Nikos Georgiou says:

    kalo alla oxi gia ellines giatrous

  3. unknown says:

    VRE children even for an advertisement at each other's throats?eleeooos!Let's stand f it is a simple and elegant and well-made advertising anything else. imarton with conspiracy theories!

  4. panos tsiros says:

    Dimitri exeis apolito dikio on your skepseis and TI egine?ειναι ακριβως το κινητρο για να γινει κατι……εαν σκεφτεις ποσο μπορει να γαργαλησει πολλους εγκεφαλους αυτη η διαφημιση θα πεις ενας δεν θα βρεθει να ευαισθητοποιηθει? just! No! and why we have learned in our our mind that causes the eyforia but the food let us adiaforoys afini for kosmo gyro us Kani exartimenoys drug users that facebook onomazoymai Kali Zoi kinita phones Koka kola fast cars etc. to a so-called live better life. very friendly family run facility a small team in Tosa ekatomyria world can not do and many safe however Mono is that they will not stop trying to.

  5. Loki says:

    Unfortunately and here so I have things in a short time. Complete the dismantling of the welfare State. The entire burden will fall on adjoining the relative friend.

  6. stefanos says:

    poli kalo to olo thema, prepi na tarakounithoume kai na voithame tous sinathropous mas anexartitos thriskias kai xromatos, ego prosopika prospatho na voitho alla na xereis iparxi kai poli koroidia all den tha stamatiso na voithao kai idika meta to video ayto pou ida apla tha prospathiso na xexorizo ​​poios theli voithia pragmatiki kai poios me koroideyvi. se eyxaristo poli dimitri stefanos

  7. tony says:

    very touching indeed.

  8. Haris says:

    How is it possible that after an advertisement with such a beautiful message to huge PALI underneath; Blame that we are Greeks or who we are people;

  9. NASOS says:


  10. Vlasis Danilakoglou says:

    Really touching ! αλά κάτι δεν μου κάθεται καλά σαυτη την διαφήμιση … κάτι …τι είναι αυτό .. what to yes.. (???) … Α !!! Yes ! .. We agree that the meaning of life is to help the community and YES ! ότι δίνεις στη ζωή – το παίρνεις .. . and Yes ! beliefs and do.. BUT ! Does hiding something behind this well-made video ? Do you want to spend your (These large etairioyles) , το ότι η περίθαλψη κοστίζει και ότι θα ήταν λογικό να χάσεις σπίτι – μαγαζί – για να αποπληρώσεις τα έξοδα της περίθαλψή σου (medical costs) AKOMA QIAN a life and you pay for insurance if you forbid everything comes this wicked time and doing something ; Do you want to spend that is logical and reasonable and quite natural to fly on the road if you don't have money to pay expenses and die helpless and, of course, blame the luck so (that you did it not sell for a pittance to Spiti-magazi ...) And throwing the blame on yourself and on your own ;Conclusion ; Αγάπα τον πλησίον σου – βοήθα τον διπλανό σου – καντο νόμο στη ζωή σου … Αλά, chew food before you swallow.. It can also drown if you don't do it..

    • Michael says:

      Και να σου πω και κάτι άλλο φίλε… Αν πρόσεξες όλο το σποτάκι ήταν φτιαγμένο στα Ταϋλανδέζικα. Any hint from Greece. In fact, This video is part of the plan to hit the Greek language and Greek to get oils.

    • Fotini says:

      Panda in a seemingly Central noima, λαθραια κ οχι αστοχα πλασσαρονται μεθοδικα κ αυτα που σταδιακα επονται…ετσι για εξοικειωση…

  11. Alpina Tosounidi says:

    a sto kalo… klaiwww…. :( :)

  12. Sakis Gkortsi says:

    Enoiwsa my head to gerni front ! I do not know what was the largest weight the enoches ? apolytos or sebasmos ?

  13. Litsa says:

    Perfect guys . I wish everyone had such greatness of soul and of actors in advertising. Life is not divided. Won for all of us.

  14. Socrates says:

    The lamogio the doctor passed all zeros on evidence to the pocketed black !!!!!!!!!

  15. vicky kp says:

    eklapsa just saw. very beautiful and moving.

  16. Dora the Defterigo says:

    What I saw was very beautiful!

  17. Dimitris says:

    Can the text below is not the audiovisual, or with special sound effects that cause your interest, but please read. It is not spam, διαφήμιση ή μήνυμα για να σας χαληναγωγήσει.Και τι έγινε? Most saw the advertisement, We experienced an emotional, μας έκανε να σκεφτούμε τα “αυτονόητα”, put us into thoughts and feelings, για να νιώσουμε μια χαρά ή λύπη για την ανθρωπότητα και στην τελική να καταλήξουμε να πούμε “τα έχω καλά με τον εαυτό μου” ή το αντίθετο ότι μας αναστάτωσε (or something in-between doesn't matter), Depending on how you will meet everyone's egoism. BUT, This whole process for our eaytoyli. This hunting of emotion, an intense emotion, to feel for a little humanity into the hard life that we live. Nice caught the message, What we do for this? A notification, a charity, a donation, in return for the joy you will feel our brains when we do? You know, ο καθένας μπορεί να “παζαρέψει” με τον εαυτό του οποιοδήποτε τρόπο/ποσό που θα ήταν ιδανικό, in order to have the best positive feedback to the brain of (joy, emotion etc). Σαν να αγοράζεις ένα ζευγάρι παπούτσια… Το θέμα όμως είναι τι πραγματικά κάνεις. Sitting at the laptop and fooling around from here and from there, as I, and do you think that because you feel you are good (While in a week I'll have forgotten); The issue is not to catch the message is to not let her go, to do something for this, not something small that will serve your selfishness to feel nice, but something you would eat the time (the time will etrwges for facebook etc) and that will strain. To become active in order to give as much as you can without getting anything, αφήστε τις κλισέ εκφράσεις “στη ζωή ότι δίνεις, παίρνεις”, that is not the purpose. The aim is to help those who live to continue to live because very simply he could were in place. Για μένα το καλύτερο πρότυπο είναι οι άνθρωποι που αφήνουν τις “1-2κοσμικές χώρες” και πηγαίνουν στις 3κοσμικές ώστε να βοηθήσουν άμεσα. Φυσικά δεν “μπορούμε” να το κάνουμε όλοι αυτό, We have obligations, but we can do other things (frequent donations) or start something with our own initiative, anything. But as I see you prefer to given them the money to go for coffee and related of insipid, or to pay a brand etc. Although we do prefer the above, check idle, I feel like a loser user drugs [αυτό ακούγεται κακό…], only that my addiction is this new global epidemic (pandemic), inaction behind a liquid crystal display [… ενώ αυτό όχι] like so many others of us. And finally, look at what I do, I spend so much time bash and do what I can, IE to act, μπας και 1 στους 10.000 rehabilitate and do something that makes sense (and I with him if he does). A time when I could I was at Club having other worries, But what to do so I modeled my conscience. In the worst one idiot [or stupid because lacks the capacity to kataNOIisei] I criticize (what bullshit writes, What is smoke, IMO katathliptikos etc) and at best some self-conscious people will understand me. Ευχαριστώ είμαι 21 χρονών (in order to better understand the way of thinking) and this is my email

    • Socrates says:

      man…you need a wife !!Always friendly

      • Dimitris says:

        I have a girlfriend but not had, What is the meaning dude; Can you answers based on the logic of leaving out phrases exypnistikes?IE to write something, to analyse my thoughts, you will need this to make me alone for ever, or whatever? To go back to 9gag (or the like of) well, όπου όποιος κάνει το “αστειότερο” κόμμεντ θα παίρνει τα περισσότερα λάικ. What's the point?

        • Theoklis Theokleous says:

          Why BRE boy use phrases in English in your written word the moment do very well Greek; I always had this question. Make you look smarter; Always friendly.

          • ARIS says:

            Τα γράφει στα αγγλικά γιατί έτσι μιλάει στην “γλώσσα” τους ώστε να γίνεται πιο κατανοητός

            • dimitris81 says:

              den name;izw…Nom;izw oti grafei greeklish giati isws etsi synithizetai sto internet. Opws apeira pragmata pou kanoume epeidh synithizetai…px poso eukola vrizoume kapoion me thn paramikrh pareksighsh,h na diplopar..Pantws to exoun parakseftilisei me ta greeklish ..,tha ksexasoume na mathoume na grafoume ellinika se ligo me aythn thn nea moda. Ti na peis…amorfwtoi.

          • Zakis Makedonas says:

            Why is it so bad to use and English phrases-words in text; Because we want so much to judge in what language written by other; There are good and bad languages;

      • Dimitris says:

        If I have parexigisei and ypainissesai not something I ask in advance sorry for my previous answer.

      • Maria says:

        Did you find you; Finally why only accepted the bad review, the swearing, disapproval on comments;

      • passer-by says:

        Now that's good for you;

      • dimitris81 says:

        Justified why he needs the d. woman to see if I agree too with the other 47. And I say this because I really can't figure out. Half of which are female because it does not differ from the rest who do not have ; They have that woman think and behave otherwise;; Why woman and no job or boyfriend or car or anything else;;

    • christina says:

      έχεις τόσο δίκιο…………

    • Salvation says:

      APsOGOS! Unfortunately even behind a smoldering charity the atomism and the private interest. We have to clean our conscience to feel we better not make us superior from those staying idly.. For me the words do good to see good is selfish.. Of course we offer but you have to look for the deeper meaning and not stay on the surface of things.

    • Maria says:

      Very nice advertising message, κάθε ένας μπορεί ναείναι ένα παιδί που χρειάζεται βοήθεια ή ένας που δίνει την βοήθεια. Μην ψάχνειμακριά, Search near you, look around you, your friend, the neighbor, ίσωςχρειάζονται βοήθεια … ίσως όχι υλική αλλά συναισθηματική… κάνε ίσως απλά παρέασε κάποιον ηλικιωμένο γείτονά σου …. Start IE from your home, your neighborhood, την πόλησου κλπ… Αυτό που θέλω τελικάνα πω είναι: you do not need to migrate to offers, ξεκίνα από το περιβάλλονγύρω σου….. θα εκπλαγείς με το πόσα και σε πόσους μπορείς να προσφέρεις…………… ανπραγματικά θέλεις.Καλή δύναμη και καλή αρχή….

      • Julian Ant says:

        I agree absolutely. Opportunities for loving kindness is everywhere around us in kathimerinotita.

    • eftychia says:

      Bravo!! Dimitri likes the way I think about you, continued..

    • Artemis says:

      I agree with you dude, especially when I spent so much money on parties and sustained not to sit and do not listen to good music (I do not mean koyltoyriariki that some will say, but gia'mena is the largest music education that can take a man). Regarding the do good to see good, of course it is selfish, and logical. It may not apply with bad concept. Anything and if you do it daily, whether for us or for others, directly involve ourselves. All things exist and operate in the sense that we give to these.

    • Marianna says:

      I agree with you Dimitri .ego'm 38 and momma 3 children ,Bravo for the thought way that you got,Although the text does not egrapses to poune Bravo. anegkefales as for the answers that may be you got do dineis importance,This is not even anamenomenes apantas,do not have the noimosyni to katanoisoyn reality and natural nor the message that thou shalt peraseis,in Kala

    • George says:

      Really well done, ότι έγραψες είναι μια μεγάλη αλήθεια που οι περισσότερη την αγνοούνε και πιστεύουνε πως είναι “καλοί” άνθρωποι επειδή κάνουν τα παραπάνω. Unfortunately it is not so more making a good (that one is this) expect to take hold of something back. In the final and we sit and talk here about this, you don't win anything except from this satisfaction. However like someone I'm close to your age I think it is good to see you, because even one of 1000 who read this can make even the slightest.

    • Slayer says:

      Dimitri Buddy, nice your message with evident goodwill. My opinion is as follows. Regarding the video, the message you want to pass, as I understand, είναι “αν δώσεις καλό θα πάρεις καλό, έστω και αν αργήσει” ή/και οτι τα “φαινόμενα απατούν” αφού ο “κλέφτης” τελικά ήταν “άνθρωπος σε ανάγκη”. the story also is not related to what to do to change the world. Uncle protagonist simply reacting to something that was happening before his eyes and that's the whole point, να κάνεις το καλό στην ευκαιρία που σου δίνεται.Το προσωπικό όφελος, όσο και αν ακούγεται εγωιστικό, είναι πάντα το θέμα σε ότι και αν κάνεις. Ακόμα και αν θυσιαστείς για τον άλλο, το κάνεις επειδή αυτό θα σου προσφέρει κάτι (τη “λύτρωση”?). Αγαπάς γιατί κάτι σου προσφέρει η αγάπη, ακόμα και αν δεν υπάρχει ανταπόκριση. Καλύπτεις δικά σου κενά, ή ικανοποιείς δικά σου πιστεύω και φιλοδοξίες. Αν δεν σου προσφέρει κάτι τότε δεν έχει νόημα για σένα να το κάνεις. Η διαφορά είναι ακριβώς αυτή. Να ξέρεις πιο είναι το όφελός σου από μια τέτοια κατάσταση προσφοράς. Και μετά είναι απλά θέμα επιλογής.Στην εκκλησία κάπου λέει “τα καλά και συμφέροντα ταις ψυχαίς ημών”. Και ένα πολύ ωραίο σχόλιο που άκουσα πάνω σε αυτό λέει: “Δεν είναι εγωιστικό αυτό, εννοείται πως πρέπει να κοιτάς το συμφέρον σου, αρκεί να ξέρεις πιο είναι αυτό.”Θυμίζω και ένα βίντεο του videoman σχετικό με την προσφορά

      • Dimitris says:

        You're right that it's not relevant what I write both with the video itself and the message of. I write to tell you that I watched the video and that was very nice. I think the correlation is obvious (supply-happiness). AMA ploytiza and I suddenly, If you want to feel emotions we did gifts to many people to feel joy from their joy. Each offer is great.

    • Michael says:

      There are many things in the Internet that can prove beneficial to humans and to give incentives for wise and creative thinking (as your comment for example). Need the education that will nurture the critical for proper management of the tool, σωστή αξιολόγηση των θεμάτων και σωστή κατανομή του χρόνου που αφιερώνουμε…Πρίν από οποιαδήποτε ενασχόληση του ανθρώπου με την γνώση , Science, technology, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση θα ήταν να εντρυφούμε απο την σχολική ηλικία στην κατανόηση του “γνώθι σεαυτόν”, μέτρον άριστον”, μηδέν άγαν”…αλλιώς η γνώση γίνεται όπλο ατομικής και μαζικής καταστροφής ..

    • Manos says:

      Dimitri Buddy:I am 26 years old and although the age difference is not huge, I can say with confidence that people of your generation but also of my own (Unfortunately) δεν νοούνται να φτάσουν στο επίπεδο της δικής σου συνείδησης και σκέψης….Χίλια μπράβο παλικάρι μου…Οσο αναφορά τους τρόμπες, that for them the rational thought is a result of celibacy, είναι μάλλον αρκετά βήματα πίσω στην εξέλιξη και συνήθως είναι παλαιότερης γενιάς και είναι πληγή στην εξέλιξη του ανθρωπίνου είδους.Ευτυχώς κανένας δεν ζει για πάντα.(Of course not I wish anyone death,but unfortunately some antiquated ideas usually die with the generation that invented it.)All we can offer to our fellow man,χωρίς να περιμένουμε αντάλλαγμα και χωρίς να σταματήσουμε να το κάνουμε επειδή νιώσαμε για λίγο καλοί και τα’ί’σαμε το εγώ μας αλλά επειδή αυτό είναι το σωστό.Χαίρομαι που υπάρχουν ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ σαν κι εσένα φίλε Δημήτρη, γιατί έχω απογοητευτεί απο το είδος μου.Εκτός απο κίνητρο να συνεχίσω αυτό που πάντα έκανα, edwses me something more important:ΕΛΠΙΔΑ.Σε ευχαριστώ.

    • Reus says:

      For atheistis,πολύ ανορθοδοξος εισαι…Είτε πιστεύεις στον θεό και δίνεις στην ζωή σου νόημα μεσω της προσευχής,ή δεν πιστεύεις στον θεό και κάνεις τα πάντα για να ανεβάσεις τις ενδορφίνες σου και να νιώσεις καλά μέχρι να πεθάνεις.Όλα αυτά που λές ειναι υποκριτικές παπαριές και μια προσπάθεια να νιώσεις καλα με τον εαυτό σου παροτρύνωντας τον καθένα να κανει κατι το οποίο εσυ παραδεχεσαι οτι δεν κάνεις με σκοπό να επιτύχεις αυτο το οποιο κατακρύνεις.Σοφία….

      • Dimitris says:

        Since first connected when you made the comment and will be informed that you reasonably answer, send me an email to the inbox you discuss various points and differences on your comment. It makes no sense to discuss it here as I have a lot to explain, unless you are writing only for the eyes of the world that I'm sure I didn't do ;)

      • Dimitris says:

        Since first connected when you made the comment and will be informed that you reasonably answer, send me an email to the inbox you discuss various points and differences on your comment. It makes no sense to discuss it here as I have a lot to explain, unless you are writing only for the eyes of the world that I'm sure I didn't do ;)

      • Daniel Nazari says:

        Third option does not exist? :) Δεν σε κατηγορώ που έπεσες έξω στις “μαντεψιές”, This can happen to anyone when trying to do business with elleipa elements [I am not saying sarcastically, I've done it and I]. In your comment, the only way of persuasion is the attack on opponent's ethos (and little invocation in emotion-paparies = emotionally strong phrase) without a trace invocation logic. With this missing comment of course and you can upload your own endorphin levels, αλλά τι μπορεί να εννοείς όταν λες ότι “κάνω τα πάντα”? Is there something specific that is deemed to be at the upper limit of this effort (like writing in public) or is another emotional touch? Anyway, ίσως κολλάω πολύ σε κάθε λέξη.Πολύ έξυπνη η τελευταία σου πρόταση.Αυτό που θέλω να ξεχωρίσω είναι ότι μπορείς να κάνεις κάτι είτε για ηθικούς (that has to do with the public and with you) either for sentimental reasons soon (that has to do only with you). When you do something for moral reasons may have emotional feedback loops without is absolute or the deepest purpose. I cannot deny that some responses made me glad, but the purpose that I did, as you say, isn't he. I expressed my opinions in a public, μπορεί να τις ασπαστούν ας πούμε 10 άτομα, but not I demand from them to come tell me to feel nice. May or may not ever know the reaction of a man who would have made me rejoice greatly. A very good example is say a columnist in wikipedia who do such work without name. We congratulate more someone who tries to please oneself through moral satisfaction from somebody that will do just to feel the emotion of the moment. Because therein lies the superiority of man, στη μίξη λογικής και συναισθήματος…

    • Matthew Augustine says:

      file dimitri diavasa olo to keimeno pou egrapses kai tino na simfonisw mazi sou giati zoume se mia kapitalistiki koinwnia pou ta panta vasizonte sta ilika agatha mas ipoxreosan oxi na zoume ME afta alla na zoume GIA afta ta agatha. egw den exw na pw polla logia apla na danisto kati apo ton Μαχάτμα Γκάντι <>

    • ANNA says:


    • Carpe Diem says:

      OK what you say.. Εγω ενα εχω να πω για τέτοιου είδους διδακτικές καμπάνιες..Είναι για να μας μαθαίνουν ή για να μας υπενθυμίζουν.Απο κει και πέρα .. APLA DRASE.

    • Elena says:

      Dimitri everything in this life has no meaning. We live in a material world. Ευτυχισμένος είναι αυτός που θα αντιληφθεί “γρήγορα” ότι εδώ είμαστε “περαστικοί”. The reality is outside this House that we have. The point is though? Τι κάνουμε εμείς για να “προετοιμάσουμε” την “ψυχή” μας όταν φτάσει η ώρα που θα εγκαταλείψουμε το σώμα μας? The even better, τι κάνουμε για “ικανοποιήσουμε” το αίσθημα της αγάπης που μαζί με τα άλλα “θετικά ή αρνητικά” αισθήματα μας χάρισε η φύση? Why all the people in them have feelings and situations accordingly cultivate. And I believe that all people somewhere in the grazing and love, that may not show or trying to kill this good piece of themselves but it is a feeling that we want or don't want there is within each of us. I believe that every man climbs the Calvary. And because life is such made to pretty much gives us all a chance for atonement or a lesson to everyone differently I believe it all here are paid.. So how will the Act any one of us for his atonement and purification of soul is different. ESI may not have the ability to offer immediate assistance to these people, the providing but with a very different way and equally important.. Με τον λόγο σου… Μπράβο για το κείμενό σου και προπάντων για την ηλικία σου. The text you wrote for me anyone can write, εγώ συγχαίρω την σκέψη και την ευαισθητοποίηση ενός 21 χρόνου άντρα. This gives me hope for our future and our children. Είμαι 30 χρονών και έχω 2 μικρά αγόρια ηλικίας 10 μηνών και 4 χρονών.

    • Giannis says:

      Dimitri have on bone (πω πω … χυδαία φράση από τότε που την έπιασαν στο στόμα τους μερικοί, some). In agreement with one lady above, I will tell you that you do not need to run in third world trisbatha to change something. In addition to what Mrs I'll say, don't go to reservations company, don't read into deserted children. At least only this, that if you see something happening in front of you which you (This stress) to perform an operation, Don't let shame, boredom and fears stop you. You don't need everyone to become superheroes. We're not all made for this. But we are humans and strange as if seems, We all know what that means. Your good luck lad. With minds that carry, really in need in this world.

    • Vasilios Liakos says:

      When you are in the Church of Christ and experience the sacramental life in the word of the Gospel, then really ekplirwnis toin command of love!

    • Costas Lazarides says:

      ESI Eisai the best advertisement for the above advertisement. And although non-optical, your Word Lord and virtual. Thanks Dimitri.

    • giannis nickolaidis says:

      file Dimitri , η απαντηση ειναι ευκολη το “χωμενα” ομως ειναι δυσκολο , is the nature of man , fisi (kyklwnei us and inside of live , the mana nature CONSERVATORY us) exei poly aploikoys rules , with these live , με αυτους λειτουργουμε και ειναι αδυνατον να ξεφυγουμε απο αυτους … εαν καταφερναμε καποια στιγη ως “δηθεν” ανωτερα οντα να ξεφευγαμε απο αυτη την ανωτεροτητα μας και κοιτσαμε τα ξυπολυτα βρωμικα και γεματα ΑΙΜΑ ποδια μας , Maybe , λεω ΙΣΩΣ τοτε να ειχαμε μια ελπιδα να γινουμε αυτο που λεμε οτι ειμαστε … εως τοτε φιλε θα μας συγκινουν δαιφημισεις που σκοπο δεν εχουν να μας κανουν καλυτερους ανθρωπους αλλα να μας πουλησουν ΕΝΑ ΚΙΝΗΤΟ ή ενα συμβολαιο , the above advertisement (Although I parexigithei the word but what I do is the Abbey which covers fully self thelo Na Po) ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΝΑ ΚΑΠΙΤΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΙΟΝ που ως στοχο και σκοπο ΕΧΕΙ ΤΟ ΚΕΡΔΟΣ λιγων μεσα απο την συγκινηση ΠΟΛΛΩΝ … ειμαστε θυματα της φυσης μας … πολλα ειπα σας μη σας ζαλιζω αλλο ευχαριστω

      • Daniel Nazari says:

        Τι εννοείς με το “χωμενα”; I agree with what you say, BUT we will be victims of our nature UNTIL conquer new knowledge. Why saying victims mean that we are victims of a misconception that can be rectified if you know the truth. BC. old people were afraid of lightning because they had a misconception that they come from the gods. Today this is no longer obvious to us that not true. So when we teach everyone the truth of this and any related advertising, ie it is a propaganda, a brain washing, ένας περαστικός που αντί να μπει από τη μπροστά πόρτα του εγκεφάλου μας, τη λογική, χρησιμοποιεί την πίσω πόρτα, το συναίσθημα, τότε δε θα βιώναμε τις επιδράσεις τέτοιων διαφημίσεων. Οι επιδράσεις αυτές καθώς περνάνε στο υποσυνείδητο μέσω του συναισθήματος δε γίνονται αντιληπτές, και μπορούν να έρθουν αργότερα στην επιφάνεια μέσω καταστάσεων όπως “μου αρέσει η τάδε μάρκα” ή “μου αρέσει η τάδε συνήθεια” κτλ. Άμα γνωρίζεις πως λειτουργεί μια διαδικασία τότε μπορείς να ελέγξεις περισσότερο το συναίσθημα και να κρατήσεις απέξω τους κατεργάριδες της πίσω πόρτας. Δηλαδή στο παράδειγμα του κεραυνού θα ελέγχες το συναίσθημα του φόβου, και δε θα αφήνες να σε τρομοκρατήσει η ιδέα του κεραυνού. So yeah, θα είμαστε πάντα θύματα ενός μηχανισμού, αν απλά βρισκόμαστε μέσα σε αυτόν, και ο μόνος τρόπος για να απελευθερωθούμε από αυτόν, είναι να γνωρίσουμε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο λειτουργεί. Ένα τέλειο παράδειγμα είναι η αληγορία του σπηλαίου, όπου το φως συμβολίζει τη γνώση. Ορίστε κι ένα βίντεο για όσους δε ξέρουν., το πραγματικό μου όνομα είναι Ντάνιελ και όχι Δημήτρης, αλλά σημασία δεν έχει το ποιος, αλλά οι ιδέες.

    • Angeliki says:

      During the opinion Nr you can put it all people in one tsoybali!Paroysiazeis things very cold and your review in the world is unilateral!You can not krineis the world through a video!And every man has his own the crisis!

    • Christos says:

      That and to say you are a little. Bravo! But I have a question. How do you know that what you do is not to satisfy your ego to look good to others ,Why should we say and the truth people today are focused on how they look and what will others say ignoring the substance. Thanks!

      • Daniel Nazari says:

        Read my response above. I hope you do. Penelope pinelopaki being late to answer. You're right, however,, in this world it is not what you do, But what makes the world believes that do. When you learn to look at yourself in relationship with yourself and not compared to others, then pull out operations associated with the image, and then you become man is.

    • Xander Chaliasos says:

      :/ Very puzzled friend. And is positive self. Ευχαριστω.Σου ευχομαι ο,What better with your apexartisi.

  18. Paul Johnson says:

    Lovely :’)

  19. KonstantinosChantzis says:

    ελπίζω να βλέπουν οι αριστεροί αναρχοάπλυτοι που ασκούν βία στην κοινωνία την είναι τελικά η πραγματική και ουχί ιδεολογικά επιτηδευμένη με το στανιό αλληλεγγύη και να βάλουν την επόμενη φορά την αναμμένη μολότοφ στον γκώλο τους.α+

  20. Guest says:

    Great advertising :’)

  21. konstantinos says:

    τέτεια τα βίντεο ανεβάζετε που μας δείχνουν τι πάει να πεί άνθρωπος και μας κάνετε να δακρύζουμε……

    • nikos says:

      kids don't psachnetai Poly. mynima is simple from biteo. man the dedomeni time eniwse man and katalave pain one other synanthrwpoy. the eniwse helped him because ,nothing above. skeftikate kamia fora not there these people amount larger jungle will not multi zorizestai we are. ,our all in one body for many and various information ,If the antilifthoyme fast welcome ,otherwise the game lost. Sto Kato Kato everyone will episrepsei at analogo level ,in accordance with his praxeis Panda,and thymisw and Kati who do not (οτι αυτο που ζουμε ειναι 0 σε αυτο που θα βρουμε μετα θανατο)chairetw you always friendly



  23. Danae Kotsis says:

    So exactly Jesus Christ on the cross, πλήρωσε το χρέος μας για τις παραβάσεις μας πριν 2013 χρόνια! Let's be thankful and let's follow his example, giving where there is need, with love for the fellow man!!!

    • vague says:

      Let the religion outside and epikentrwsoy in the message that gives you video!!

      • city of angels says:

        in peiraxe o Theos? He who in formed? These misos enantiwn Christianity , tetoios diwgmos , daily sfagiazonte christianoi, ESI in what pisteyeis? moscharia in as in India? στην Ταιλανδη οπου γυριστηκε η διαφημηση και ειναι βουδιστες τον σεβοντε τον χριστιανισμο και εχουν εκπομπες για τον Ιησου στην τηλεοραση παρολο οτι μονο το 0,5% ειναι χριστιανοι, so we love tailandi , the most country of the world with the best people.

        • Aggelos says:

          Said nothing against Christianity. He said to just leave out the religion of this wonderful advertisement that shows us how we humans to help other people, no need to believe in something higher. Can the man not to believe, right so it is; Η επιθετική σου απάντηση πιστεύω πως ήταν τουλάχιστον περιττή άμα όχι κάτι χειρότερο…

        • human says:

          The Christians slaughtered in the name of Christ, Crusades you know?

        • marios palaiologos says:

          Agree 100%. Thailand is the most respectful and peaceful country i ever seen.. With the kindest people that exist in this cruel world. The spot is nice story with a great message.Of course for promoting one of the biggest companies in Asia.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aααα.. And for those who don't know the Theravada Buddhism is the palaioteros all. Respects so much of Christianity, as long as you don't fancy.. Αααα…Και δεν είναι ακριβώς θρησκεία. It's a kind of teaching philosophy, in order to heal the pain of anthrwpino psyxis..

          • mpampoylas says:

            ναι συμφωνω αλλα οχι 100% πηγαινε να δεις και την αλλη πλευρα της ιστοριας!!What is this?the kids he!!but I forgot the upside down like a massive NHS tourist!!

        • light bulb says:

          oyst eh misanthrwpe!!Kaeis teknon in hell to me!!

          • village of angels and the ithon says:

            το τερπτον μετα του ωφελιμου βλασφημε…

        • alxalili impre says:

          go to see the other side of the story!!What is this?the kids he!!but I forgot the upside down like a massive NHS tourist!!My NHS tzoytzoyko piste..

      • κωστας 16 says:

        Why leave the religion outside don't understand? The paromoiwsi that Kani is very correct. Also the religion is directly linked to this video because this is one of reasons that can give you very great urge to eyaisthitopioitheis and acts something good to your fellow man. Ego for example Perno big dymnami from religion and to make me feel more sure about deeds that I have done or thelo na Kano. For self so don't say to leave out religion because religion in connection with most if not all our themes with. Pistepse with.. If all humans were moving simfwna with what religious people would very much better and we would get as Edo!

    • Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

      that to Yes

    • daet says:

      I paravasei itan prin kamia 4000 xronia prin … pantos exeis dikio …

    • Jesus says:

      then I signed myself not. I was born then. If you still don't remember exactly, αλλά anyway…

    • oloi stin kolasi tha pame says:

      ειμαστε στο 2013, Let the paramythakia and see the truth katamoytra!!!!! thriskeies and aidies

  24. LAMPROS says:


  25. Michalakis Trokkoudes says:

    Are some things where it's not enough to watch only once. Εγώ είδα 3 φορές το βιτεάκι καί την τρίτη φορά νόμιζα πώς ήταν η πρώτη. Lovely . This rare species is our wish to see most often.

  26. masterpcm says:

    Although the ad I wrote wrong..

  27. masterpcm says:

    As long as there are people.. even in advertising.. Indeed a great.

  28. cloths says:


  29. Roza Mimoza says:

    without words…..

  30. To kalo to palikari The black sheep says:
