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The finished Adonis Georgiades

The election results were apparently serious impact on the situation of the Adonis Georgiades, which deteriorated.

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  1. Slayer says:

    This person had for Health Minister of the Greek State, who, on top of that, put the whole Greece, the grandfathers and grandmothers, to xanaplirwnoyn for treatment that had items paid in Treasurer. Είμαι περήφανος που τον αντικαταστήσαμε με έναν αξιοσέβαστο τυφλό.Προφανώς δεν είχε καταλάβει ποτέ ποια ήταν η θέση του και τι ευθύνες κουβαλούσε. The moron tsimpise immediately and Samaras used him like kwlocharto. He puts him over the soiled his name and threw. Βγες τώρα στα κανάλια μπας και σώσεις τίποτα από το αναλώσιμο τομάρι σου.Δεν είναι καθόλου αστεία αυτά που κάνανε όλοι τους στο έθνος και κανείς δεν ξέρει πόσο ανεπανόρθωτη θα ήταν η ζημιά αν συνεχίζανε. I hope sometime to punish, and the freshmen to do the same.

  2. dimitris81gr says:

    I wish the new Government to proceed with the case by the Prosecutor of Chalkidos for high treason those who voted for the moratorium and to see him after that will make.