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1991: 20 000 Albanian immigrants occupy freighter Vlora

After the fall of communism in Albania in 1991, many people tried to emigrate for a better life. The Vlora was a cargo ship on August 7, 1991 and after returning from Cuba with sugar load, attacked by a number of about 20.000 Albanians during unloading of cargo in Durres. The crowd forced the captain to sail to Milaqi Halim in Italy, where they arrived on August 8, 1991 in the port of Bari.

Italian authorities were not quite prepared for this wave of immigrants, and once we managed to assemble police forces and doctors in the region. The ending wasn't quite effective for immigrants, as most were transferred to a nearby Stadium and within weeks were expelled. Some were allowed to remain, While some others escaped.

The history of Vlora is remembered as one of many episodes of the immigration wave took place in Italy the two years 1990-1992, and remains the largest in number of arriving migrants who arrived in the country.

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  1. Hellas force says:

    There he wanted 5,6 kalashnikovs don't leave a nose albanian now spread like cockroaches! That's okay though, they never run out of insecticides