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It wasn’t a hole

(2) | 25/04/2024 | 0 comments

Cat fail

A simple faucet, using physics

(10) | 25/04/2024 | 0 comments

The construction of a simple faucet in the countryside using air pressure in a bottle. Water flows out of the yellow straw if the pressure in the bottle is greater than atmospheric pressure. […]

Italian pride

(1) | 25/04/2024 | 0 comments

Fiat Cinquecento vs Porsche

Economical move

(10) | 25/04/2024 | 0 comments

The unorthodox move of a large wardrobe on a motorcycle to Brazil. Will this brave rider succeed;

Baby beaver

(1) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

When paintings come alive

(6) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

In the 'Safari' section of the Arte museum in Dubai, can someone draw an animal, and through artificial intelligence the animal of his painting to come to life on a big screen.

Baby vs. technology

(10) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

A parent tries a sophisticated baby dish, which he hopes his child will not be able to overturn.

An ordinary day in Australia

(9) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

A professional removes a large python from the ceiling of a house, which had earlier attacked an opossum.

The fart drums

(3) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

Raccoon finds a way to have fun

(10) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

A raccoon amuses itself by getting into one end of a grain pipe and out the other.

The train to hell

(0) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

I'm not easily impressed

(4) | 24/04/2024 | 0 comments

An apathetic Japanese restaurant customer, doesn't seem too impressed with the chef show.