The scary hand on a cat joke
In the joke with the scary hand, an accomplice puts his hand on someone's shoulder while you stand next to him. You then walk away and the victim realizes a hand is still on their shoulder. […]
But what does he do?;
What is this man doing in the restaurant kitchen?; He seems to be trying to create a scene by putting meat on the floor and lying next to it…Actually, this is a video that plays in reverse.
Cockroach farm
In Asia and especially in China, Korea and Vietnam, cockroach farms have become a common part of the local industry. These farms breed cockroaches under controlled conditions and use them for various purposes […]
Unexpected motivation for runners
A group of musicians from Russia, they run after random people jogging down the street playing Rocky's workout music.
Antique desk from the early 19th century
This sophisticated desk was built for Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother, at the beginning of the 19th century.
The chlamydosaurus attack
In Australia, two Frenchmen encountered a chlamydosaurus that tried to intimidate them. The lizard turned towards the men with its mouth and fold of skin around its neck wide open, without hesitation to […]