The distinction between theory and law in science
|In this video briefly explains the concepts of scientific theory, case law and with simple and easy to understand manner as many times we use it without knowing exactly what they mean.
How fast you are moving;
|It seems a simple question and easy but it is not at all so things.
The Greek word 'pride'
|Through this video, the 'Oxi Day Foundation' aims to inform the international public about this unique Greek word which is the driving force of the Greeks, but also to inspire contemporary […]
When science invades the song
|The Michael Shermer, director of the Skeptics Society and publisher of 'Skeptic' magazine, finishes his speech at TED conference 2008 with an awesome clip of the song by British singer Katie Melua titled […]
Magic on the road
|The magic of $ 100 that no one has been able to think how.
Mathieu Bich fools Penn & Teller
|In the TV show of the famous magicians Penn & Teller, the objective is to fool them with a magic trick. This is not easy as it is in the area for 30 years, so you'll need something […]
The Cubli, a cube that can balance and walks.
|The Cubli is a cube 15 × 15 × 15 that can pounce and balance on the corner of. feedback wheels placed on three sides of the cube and rotate at high angular speeds […]