They just helped a deer stuck on ice
|Rescuers helped the deer out of the lake, but unfortunately they didn’t manage to save it. It ran straight onto the ice on another lake.
Demi Moore (evolution 1985 – 2024)
|Demi Moore, born November 11, 1962 in Roswell, New Mexico, is an American actress known for her roles in films such as “Ghost” (1990), “Striptease” (1996) and “The Joneses” (2009). During her more than 45-year […]
Serval jumps high to catch a bird
|The serval is a slender, medium-sized feline native to Africa. It is characterized by its long legs, elongated neck, large ears, and spotted fur. It lives mainly in savannas, wetlands, and grasslands with plenty of […]
Shooting with a powerful mini cannon
|Gunpowder, steel bullet, aim with a laser and just plug in the fuse. A cannon shot and flames on the other side. Fun for every gun enthusiast.
Just a few inches away from a giant crocodile
|This underwater tunnel provides a unique experience, from close range you can observe a huge crocodile grinding its teeth at you.
Bullshido technique to successfully avoid a knife attack
|If someone attacks you with a knife, try this technique. It will definitely confuse the attacker and make them leave you alone.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the USA
|American retirees were passing the time on a private road driving golf carts.
Bear enjoys a house’s hot tub
|If you have a cabin with a hot tub in the countryside somewhere in Canada or the USA, you have to expect bears to use it.
Woman not able to stop her car rolling downhill
|28.11.2024, Zagreb, Croatia. A dramatic scream was heard in the Zagreb neighborhood of Pantovčak, which was caught on camera. The woman probably failed to secure the vehicle on the hill, which then sped away. She […]