Removing the plastic surgery from Mark Zuckerberg
Yes, using advanced photoshop techniques, facial surgery can be undone. Awesome.
Best drummer ever
Another street drummer who seems to be possessed by the god of percussion
Gene Kelly dancing and tap dancing with traditional skates
It is a scene from the film Always good weather , 1955.
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Bel Air (2019)
It is not the trailer of a movie, or a series, it is actually made by a fan.
il Body – from Cuba to China live Cooperativa Portalupi Vigevano 03-03-18’ un volo notturno da Cuba a Cinaamari e arachidi la mia medicinaè un volo notturno da Cuba a Cinaamari e arachidi la mia medicinaho raso al suolo l’intera cittàprendendola a calci senza pietàho raso […]