Let's play Celeste (EN) – This is the final (Gameplay) – #10 / Episode 10
|Well, we've reached the finals. A platform game developed by Matt Makes Games, in which we play the role of the red-haired Celeste. The heroine takes up a murderous challenge, which is climbing to the top of a high mountain, a my towarzyszymy jej w […]
Let's play Celeste (EN) – Reconciliation with the other half (Gameplay) – #7 / Episode 7
|Time to reconcile with our other half. A very interesting board in original colors. A platform game developed by Matt Makes Games, in which we play the role of the red-haired Celeste. The heroine takes up a murderous challenge, jakim jest wspinaczka […]
Let's play Valfaris (EN) – We destroy the Archdron – Episode 4 / #4 (Gameplay)
|I invite you to the 4th episode with Valfaris. This time we will fight Archdrone and we will try to go further. Unfortunately, it is getting harder and harder and there are more and more repetitions. Valfaris is a 2D platform game by the famous […]
Another episode from the Valfaris series
|Another episode from the Valfaris series. Time to explore the crypt and defeat a few more bosses. Valfaris is a two-dimensional platform game by the famous Slain: Back From Hell zespołu Steel Mantis, released by Digital Uppercut Productions. Produkcja […]
Let's play Celeste (EN) – We are finishing our visit to the castle (Gameplay) – #6 / Episode 6
|This time we will continue to look for a way out of the castle. The octopus is terribly annoying. Platform game developed by Matt Makes Games, in which we play the role of the red-haired Celeste. The heroine takes up a murderous challenge, which is […]
Please check out the end 4 and part 5 of chapter in Celeste
|Please check out the end 4 and part 5 of chapter in Celeste. This time it's time to visit the castle. From today, as far as possible, the films will be posted on the channel every day at 8 p.m.:00.
Let's play Celeste (EN) – We fly with the wind (Chapter 4) (Gameplay) – #4 / Episode 4
|This time we will be carried away by crazy winds. Check out Chapter 4 of Celeste. There will be a lot of dying and some nerves.
Karotek the kitten returns from the vet
|Karotek the kitten returns from the vet, I guess he wasn't too pleased, the safest place is at home…
Let's play Valfaris (EN) – Robots and a lot of destruction – Part 3 / #3 (Gameplay)
|Welcome to Valfaris. This time there will be a bit of fighting and driving with robots and, of course, demolition in its purest form.
Let's play Celeste (EN) – It starts easy – #1 / Episode 1
|The beginning of our adventure to Mount Celeste. Getting started is relatively easy.