EPIC performance shootout
ΔΟΚΑΡΙ ΚΑΙ…. εχμμμ…. σαλαλαλαλαλα… τουτουρουρου…. (look at the clock)… ΓΚΟΟΟΟΟΟΛ!!!
Huge explosion in the Sun
A huge explosion occurred in the surface of the sun in the morning Tuesday, June 7, and was recorded by NASA's solar observatory. This download is from an ultraviolet camera
The great invasion of crabs
The Christmas Island, located Northwest of Australia, It is known for its vast society of Red crabs.
The robot that solves the Rubik's Cube in 10 seconds
Students of Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne constructed a robot that resolved in just 10,18 seconds one of the most popular puzzle, the Rubik's cube.
Watch out that you push
An incredible Sergels torg square optical illusion of Stockholm, the painter's work and an expert in the effects of Photography Erik Johansson