The Michael Winslow sings ' Whole Lotta Love '
Surely you remember the talented Michael Winslow from 'Police Academy' (The great cops school)
Slow reflexes
A guide goes with red, at some point he remembers... and returns back to the traffic light
Criminals penguins
Some penguins are turning to crime in order to build the perfect nest.
Cubestormer II: The robot that solves the Rubik's Cube in 5,3 seconds
A lego technics construction and the Smartphone Samsung Galaxy SII, the Cubestormer is a robot who can solve the Rubik's cube faster than any man.
Playing with Tigers
Educators at Wildlife Park Africa USA play with wild tigers and visitors entertained.
Portrait in a straight line
The painter Chong Chan Hwee paints a portrait with a single spiral line.