November, 2011.

If you have friends like that…

(5) | 11/11/2011 | 4 Comments

If you are in excess of € 800, You can easily do this tragic farce to your buddy.

Strange and terrifying insects

(5) | 11/11/2011 | 0 comments

Because the nature is not always inspiring

New world record for the most distant goals with header

(7) | 11/11/2011 | 0 comments

The goal with header Ryujiro Ueda in the Japanese championship was one of the 58 measures.

Battle with sleep

(4) | 11/11/2011 | 2 Comments

Boutaoshi: A new sports in Japan

(6) | 11/11/2011 | 0 comments

At boutaoshi, the aim of the game is to download the player of the opposing team by a mullion, and someone from your own to replace it. The contrary, to defend around the pole so […]

The dog who was born with two legs

(2) | 11/11/2011 | 0 comments

This dog in Hawaii was born with just two legs. So walking permanently with this cute way.

The child prodigy

(69) | 11/11/2011 | 2 Comments

The Jay Greenberg is a musical genius. In 2004 at 12 years old he has already written 5 arrangements for orchestra and over 100 musical ...

Motorcycle ride in the flooded streets of Thailand

(1) | 10/11/2011 | 3 Comments

The guy is Lord. He wore a helmet and in case it crashes with no sea bream.

Digital art

(3) | 09/11/2011 | 0 comments

An audiovisual animation by Matthias Müller.

The new Honda's Asimo robot

(4) | 09/11/2011 | 0 comments

On November 8, Honda unveiled a new version of the familiar humanoid robot Asimo, which is equipped with a State-of-the-art system autonomy movements. The Asimo longer movable without controlled […]

Mario scooter

(2) | 09/11/2011 | 0 comments