Operation: White Widow
|A sophisticated group of soldiers getting ready to attack. But things are not exactly as they seem... An animation by Jacek Mazur.
3D view in a car
|Optical technology group of Radugadesign makes 3D mapping onto an Audi A7.
Lonely woman
|Jane can't understand why every time I know a man, everything goes wrong.
A timelapse in beautiful Greece
|The Greek team photographers Pentalunex, created this wonderful video as a demonstration of the Chronocon, a device (slider/dolly) designed by team, and in which one can adjust the camera to pull […]
The terrifying waves of Teahupoo
|The village of Teahupoo in Tahiti, It is known in the world of surfing for the massive and aggressive waves of.
The Bell
|The Blog «Powerline» organized a contest to award 100.000 dollars for anyone who is able to present it in the most effective [...]
The unbalanced cat
|This cat is not intoxicated or sedated. Was born with a neurological problem (ear vestibular syndrome), that makes it difficult to balance the body's. At the other is a normal cat.
The rescue
|An unlucky Labrador who has been trapped in the icy water of the Indian River in Michigan, USA, is rescued by firefighters.
Came the garbage truck!
|Like saying 'The ice cream man is here' one thing. The inhabitants of Luodong in Taiwan waiting to come the joyous garbage truck in order to throw their garbage. Self Service i.e..