The farce of Carmelo Anthony in Madame Tisw Museum
The Carmelo Anthony is celebrating the unveiling of waxy omoiomatos at Madame Tisw Museum, startling unsuspecting guests.
The strongest rifle in the world
Shooting with one of the largest and most powerful rifles in the world. Called 0.950 JDJ and developed by JD Jones of SSK Industries. The bullet has a speed of 670 meters per second and strength […]
The imitation of Dubstep music
O Thomas Middleditch mimics the sound of dubstep music.
The extremely rare white Tigers
A white tiger gives birth 4 small tigers in zoological park in Yalta in Ukraine. It is currently estimated that there are fewer than 100 white tigers in the world.
The robot always wins
A robot who is programmed to detect the movements of the hands in the game rock-paper-scissors and predicts what will choose the opponent with blinding speed. A construction technology students at the University of Tokyo.
One very lucky Guide
A car collides with great force in column, but the ektoxeyetai driver from it without injured.
A great hero
The Briton Nicholas Winton was an unsung hero until 1988, when his wife discovered documents and lists of names 669 young children who had saved from German concentration camps during […]