October, 2012.

The difficult life of a dog

(9) | 18/10/2012 | 0 comments

The routine of a dog's life...

How to save a great white shark

(5) | 18/10/2012 | 1 Comment

Is simple

The non-existent fear us

(44) | 17/10/2012 | 12 Comments

Some wise words from well-known Hindu Mystic Jaggi Vasudev (Sdguru)

Spinning dog

(8) | 17/10/2012 | 1 Comment

Bull Terrier breed dogs are susceptible to a neurological condition in which revolve around unnecessarily themselves. This can last for only a few minutes each time, and substantially […]

The great Chase with the remote control

(13) | 17/10/2012 | 0 comments

A thrilling Chase with radio-controlled cars, directed by Freddie Wong.

Funeral ceremony in Ghana

(10) | 17/10/2012 | 2 Comments

In Ghana the Customs have changed. The funerals of the Akan ethnic group, who constitute the majority in the country, converted to feast with wine and dancing. Here seven men dancing the traditional […]

You can find the thief;

(5) | 17/10/2012 | 1 Comment

Can you spot who stole a purse in this busy restaurant;

Amateur crash test

(8) | 17/10/2012 | 0 comments

Euro NCAP ★★★★★

Incredible digital effects

(7) | 17/10/2012 | 0 comments

A taste of digital effects and realistic sharks in the movie «Kon-Tiki» 2012

Natural phenomena

(4) | 17/10/2012 | 0 comments

A beautiful timelapse of Gower Reid with images from around the world

The crab cheerleader

(3) | 17/10/2012 | 0 comments

Small crabs Lybia is known for their cooperation with sea anemones which they hold in their claws and their use for defence. Since the move in any direction to scare them […]

Question trap

(23) | 16/10/2012 | 2 Comments

You can't escape easily from this question

The economic crisis in 22 seconds

(26) | 16/10/2012 | 3 Comments

Economics for beginners

Iron Maiden in harp

(8) | 16/10/2012 | 0 comments

Jonathan Fagkanelo plays the 'Trooper' of Iron Maiden on a harp

The most 'dangerous' countries in the world

(8) | 16/10/2012 | 0 comments

The 10 countries with the most murders per year