She felt lonely
|The detective Bruce Chalenmpek earlier returns home from work. His wife Sarah has not waited for something.
The audition of Bruce Lee on Fox Films 1964
|A rare video of the first interview / audition he had given the Bruce Lee on behalf of Fox Films 1964, When he started his career as actor in the U.S.. The interview concerned the pilot series […]
The flying Kyrie Irving
|The basketball player Kyrie Irving stars in a humorous advertisement sporting goods store.
The magical goal of Zlatan Ibrahimovic against England
|Zlatan Ibrahimovic the achieved one of the most beautiful goals that we've seen, in yesterday's friendly against England [...]
A 20 year old young man with great voice
|You certainly don't expect to hear this voice coming from the mouth of the 20 year old Dan Owen, who made his first appearances from two years ago and impresses with stunning vocals in […]
When you put your hand on a carbon film
|The film finish used primarily in the automotive industry, for easy duplication of hollow parts and complex parts.
The triumph of herbivores
|The special abilities of mammalian herbivores to avoid their carnivorous predators, with impressive shots from [...]
The most sharp kitchen knife
|If you are a professional chef in Japan, I will definitely use a knife Masamoto. 150 years, Masamoto knives are the top in Japan and considered as the most sharp koyzinomachaira.
Red Bull Kluge: A machine by athletes
|An original idea of Red Bull created a machine which is activated with known talent 11 athletes.
Parkour in 1930
|It seems that parkour is older than we thought. These are actually some of the stunts of Stuntman Arnim Dahl [...]
Creating the emblem of Porsche
|The construction of the emblem for Porsche Cars is no simple task.