The Gorilla scares kids in the Zoo
|How can tolerate this Gorilla the tease of kakomathimenwn children; Not for long…
The Blanka is troll!
|Never Anarrwtithikate why the Blanka is green; Now you know.
A robot 200 years
|Automatic robot Swiss watchmaker Henri Maillardet, built in 1805 and was donated to science museum [...]
Constructing the sword of omens
|The blacksmith Tony Swatton film manufactures a replica of the sword of omens from the well-known children's series 'ThunderCats'
By coming babies;
|We all know that babies bring storks, right; But by taking the storks babies; And what about the dangerous babies [...]
Dog buries a dead puppy
|Yesterday a user from Iraq published a video, in which a dog buries a dead puppy. The dog seems to know [...]
The statue of Osiris spun alone in the Museum
|The ancient statue of the Egyptian God of the dead Osiris did not seem to enjoy the view of visitors at the Manchester Museum in Britain. The small statuette 4000 years old, dating from 1800 BC, […]
Wonderful design in hand
|The Korean artist Kim gi jung creates a wonderful design timelapse.
The music in gif # 3
|Another funny collection of gif files combined with music.
One of the best stunts in the surf
|The John Florence makes one of the most difficult stunts with his surf board, that gives him the highest score points in Oakley Bali Pro contest.
Concert with translation into sign language
|During a rap concert at the Bonnaroo Festival in Manchester, Tennessee, a woman sits in front of the stage and translate the lyrics in sign language, for the hearing impaired.
Best HD Internet video # 5
|Another nice editing with HD video, by Luc Bergeron. Music: NERVE - Hold On (Vicetone Extended Edit)
No, I won't go to the World Cup
|Carla from Brazil explains the reasons why the country does not need to hold the World Cup soccer [...]