The invisible man
|Itinerant artist doing a clever trick at Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ydrofobikoy NeverWet spray test
|The 'magic' hydrophobic NeverWet spray was released recently on the market, and here is the first video that we see from someone private to your tastes. The experiment involves a Jack Daniels barbercue sauce and a […]
Ram against motorcyclist # 2
|Remember the motorcyclist who was faced with the RAM in this video; This time he meets again the undomesticated animal, but [...]
A goal of the perfect angle
|A very nice goal with many false by Paul Pogba, which recorded an onlooker from the perfect angle (Juventus - Udinese match in Italy).
Top Gear: Tasting the Pagani Huayra
|The Richard Hammond from Top Gear tv show sitting behind the wheel of the new masterpiece of Pagani, trying to tame the 720 horsepower of.
What possibilities do you have;
|Nike is celebrating 25 years of the campaign 'Just Do It' with a very nice advertising.
My friend excavator
|A soft blow from Mr excavator guide is enough to fix the damage to the tail light.
The animal fail
|As people, the animals have their own unlucky moments. Enjoy this video with several animal escapades in front of webcam.
Travel in New Zealand
|A trip to the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand, where the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy. The video is [...]
The magical beard
|A funny video in stop motion by Ben Garvin, with a magical beard which among other displays and removes various objects. The video was made by applying Stop Motion Studio in an iPhone.
The Chase: Baby vs. vacuum cleaner
|In a recent advertisement of Samsung, a cute baby [...]
Failed robbery attempt
|A hilarious scene in Brazil, where a gunman with the help of his accomplice attempted to Rob a convenience store.
Huge fog rolls from Sierra
|A rare phenomenon where a huge thick layer of fog rolls from the Long Range mountains, on the island of Newfoundland, Canada.