For knowledge
What you wear at the moment and that makes you feel; Researchers have found that the clothes we wear affect our psychology [...]
The chef's bionic hand
Chef Eduardo Garcia after a serious accident in his kitchen is, having placed a very sophisticated prosthetic arm.
Lighting a lighter near the sewer
A very bad idea that had a father in China, as he was trying to ignite a Bengali along with small children. The gases from the sewer caused a huge explosion. Fortunately nobody was injured […]
The Sleepyhead
A small elephant, a cock and a man trying to wake up a dog, without great success.
Two victims with a single bullet
Scene from the Philippine movie 'San Basilio', with the hero Julio Valiente kills two thugs with a single bullet.
The battle of the Knights
The Polska Liga Rycerskich 'Walk' is a championship battle between the Knights played in Poland.
Cat vs. paper soldiers
The kokkinomala cat terrorizes the world of paper soldiers, who must neutralize. – A fun animation by Adam Cox.
Trained German Shepherd protects a small girl
dog trainers do a demonstration thugs attack scenario against a 5 year old little girl. [...]
Within a Porche 911 GT3
Driving with Ruben and Petra Zeltner into a Porche 911 GT3, during the German rally Sachsen Rallye 2013.
Dad, put back the beard!
A baby girl 12 months boggling when her dad shaves the beard.
Polar Pen: The pen of the modern student
The Polar Pen is a pen created by Andrew Gardner from Canada, and trying to push through the Kickstarter. It is a pen consisting of many small magnets and can be changed […]
The most bass singer in the world
Ken Turner from the band Crystal River Boys sings with more bass voice that we hear. See 0:40 how low enough [...]