Magic by Zach King
Another collection with very creative user video Zach King by applying Vine. The King mounts with precision the video creating 'magically' visuals.
If Google were… human
How strange, stupid questions, irregular and ridiculous is the users ' searches in Google and how he would react the same if you were a real man; This scenario has created a very funny skit team […]
Let's open the window…
This is when you open the window of your House in the city of Surgut, Russia, with temperature-38 °C.
The evil baby
A mechanical 'devilish Babe' in an unmanned afiniazei stroller in front of passers-by, as it passes from the streets of New York. This very funny prank was set up to promote the film «Devil's Due» will […]
Original bass
The mechanical and electronic Jerry Ellsworth manufactures a bass from an old Commodore 64 game console. The new original bass plays a variety of different sounds and is modifiable through the keys on the console.
The fishy dog dancer
A dog with itchy decides to back scraped 'dancing' on an Office Chair.
What is love;
The Bill and the Glad married for over 50 years and remind us that true love can stand the test of time, in good times as well as bad times.
Rescue a dog trapped in a tube
Rescue operation of a stray dog that had been trapped for three days in a drainpipe in the city of Blumenau, Brazil. Residents who heard the screams of the authorities called for help. Along the found and […]
The little elephant loves hugs
A small elephant in Thai Patara elephant Park, get familiar with a visitor and asks for hugs.
The Arnold Schwarzenegger in the gym
Old snapshots from the Arnold Schwarzenegger workout at the gym.
Excited dog
This dog overly excited, When his boss comes out to ride with the car.