8-year-old with a wonderful voice sings 'Fly me to the moon'
|8-year-old Angelina Jordan from Norway sings 'Fly me to the moon' by Frank Sinatra. Fantastic voice!
Spins in the air with a Jet Ski
|The champion in freestyle jet ski, Ant Burgess, make incredible jumps and spins 360 ° in the air with his jet ski.
Cell vs. virus: A battle for our health
|All living things are made of cells. In the human body, These highly efficient units are protected by several layers of defense against invaders like the cold virus. Here we see a trip inside the cell, […]
The troublesome dogs
|Dogs who desperately want to make friendships with cats, but become annoying.
Bend, We're in the air!
|Official television station in Hungary tries in vain to get out of the shot as it starts the transmission.
Ice destroys bridge in Canada
|destroy ice blocks bridge moving nearly 2 meters, in the city of New Brunswick, Canada.
Woman COP astochei in grenade throwing
|Police Academy of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, a woman trained in throwing grenade. Will fail completely, throwing the grenade towards the wrong direction creating panic, but later laughs of her colleagues after one […]
A Heron using bait to catch fish
|A clever Egret uses a piece of bread as bait to catch a fish.
Superhero dad
|Dad acquires super powers and runs with supernatural speed in order to save his little daughter.
Myths and truths about the Greek Language
|The video is based on excerpts from the recorded lecture given by Nikos Sarantakos on 'Myths and Truths about the Greek Language' at the University of Athens (M.I.TH.E.) on January 8, 2014.
A Russian tests for the first time the Oculus Rift
|For those who don't know the Oculus Rift, is the most advanced virtual reality device that circulates at the moment. A Russian tastes the helmet first into electronics store with a friend, […]
Watermelon Flake in record time
|Amazingly fast and experienced Cook is peeling a watermelon.
The firefighter had a difficult day
|Fortunately not injured and was able to extinguish the fire with success then.
The difference of football with Rugby
|What if footballers took the position of players a match Rugby; Hilarious scene in Samoan Rugby match, where two players have faced in a very funny skirmish. One of the two […]