April, 2014.

The difference of football with Rugby

(14) | 24/04/2014 | 1 Comment

What if footballers took the position of players a match Rugby; Hilarious scene in Samoan Rugby match, where two players have faced in a very funny skirmish. One of the two […]

Hungry animals

(6) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

When animals starve, will do anything to get some food from people. A funny collection of hungry animals.

Shooting a 2,3 km

(6) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

A sniper strikes an unlikely shot, with a Savage rifle 110BA. From the top of a mountain, will hit a target at a distance of 2,3 km. Since presses the trigger until the bullet […]

The music of Super Mario with fingers

(9) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

The Empil Axleson from Sweden, can play the melody of Super Mario with bumps on fingers.

When the Ken Block met Neymar

(9) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

The experienced driver Ken Block meets the artisan Neymar ball in a nice new video of Castrol, for the football World Cup.

Reverse psychology

(57) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

The little car ride with wants and insists. Need to change opinion.

A small Rhinoceros protects his mom

(10) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

A furious male Rhino attacking a female who was standing next to a lake with its small. Things look bad for mom, until the little runs to save her chasing […]

Base Jump from the tallest building in the world

(5) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

The Vince Refet and Fred Foyzen break the world record making free-fall with wingsuits from the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (828 meters). A video full of adrenaline.

Who left to lead;

(25) | 24/04/2014 | 0 comments

This video must watch till the end.

NBA: Top 10 dunks of the season 2013-2014

(4) | 23/04/2014 | 0 comments

Enjoy the 10 most impressive dunks of the NBA season 2013-2014.

The magic tree

(0) | 23/04/2014 | 0 comments

Badger Houdini

(23) | 23/04/2014 | 0 comments

The Stofl, a Badger who lives in Kruger National Park in South Africa, invent awesome designs to escapes each time from the owner's fences. Opens latches, digging holes, creates makeshift ladders. He […]

Το ίδιο τραγούδι…

(11) | 23/04/2014 | 0 comments

'Every time you drink and drive, θα ακούγεται πάλι το ίδιο τραγούδι απ’ τα παλιά”. This is the slogan of a new campaign by the Agency 'Victimes et Citoyens ' Association in France, for accidents […]