August, 2014.

Pimp VS Karate Expert

(0) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

watch how a pimp gets knocked out by a Karate expert


(0) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments


Ants cooperate in chain

(18) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

These ants in Thailand created a great chain between the, maximizing the power of attraction in order to pull their food.

Rescue stray dog that lived on train tracks

(15) | 28/08/2014 | 4 Comments

A dog is rescued from the shelter for stray animals 'Hope For Paws', While frequented and sleeping on railroad tracks.

Serenading Girls With Dirty Rap Songs

(0) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

When you have a good singing voice, it won’t matter what you sing to get the ladies to fall for you..

The Penguin stumbles

(7) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

A young penguin in Antarctica, has an unlucky moment.

Pay with debit or credit;

(13) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

Work and fun.

The kid action movies (Part 2)

(19) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

Daniel Hashimoto is a cartoon designer and audiovisual effects for the Dreamworks company. In his free time he converts his small son's games in epic action scenes. This is the second collection […]

A can of monster being devoured by lava

(0) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

A can of monster being devoured by lava

24 hours in the Panama Canal

(6) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

A timelapse 24 hours at the Panama Canal, wherein we see how the ships cross on anisoypseis tanks.

Debris Bucket Challenge in Gaza

(19) | 28/08/2014 | 0 comments

In an effort to increase awareness of international public opinion, a Palestinian journalist in Gaza decided to make a different Ice Bucket Challenge. Using rubble from the ruins left behind by the bombing, instead […]

Women 5, Men 0

(2) | 27/08/2014 | 0 comments

Women 5, Men 0

When you realize you're a cat...

(17) | 27/08/2014 | 0 comments

A cat is shocked when she sees herself in the mirror. The reaction is even more funny in conjunction with some sound effects.

A great interpretation of 'Sound of Silence'

(16) | 27/08/2014 | 1 Comment

A great rendition of Simon & Garfunkel's 'The Sound of Silence' by Mike Masse and Jeff Hall on acoustic guitar and bass.

The rescue of a gewmy

(11) | 27/08/2014 | 0 comments

A gewmys that sfinwse in the hole, accepts help from a couple in Olkhon Island, Russia. The little rodent probably ate more than it should have.