Playing hide and seek with a dog
|A little girl playing hide and seek with a dog Ag. Bernard.
The history of melancholy
|If you are a live human being, definitely got feel sad, at least a few times in your life. But what exactly is the melancholy, and how to treat it; Professor Courtney Stephens but gives […]
Circular Factory – 'Rodafonio'
|It’s really completely straightforward: all you have to do is build a giant wheel, let’s say four meters high. Then you mount wheels on it to be able to drive thro- ugh the city. And […]
Flawless reflexes
|In the motorcycle race GNCC 2014, an onlooker avoids a motorcycle that comes in over the out of control, While talking on the phone. Awesomely reflexes!
Squad of woodcutters contest
|Every year, at Cherry Springs Park, Pennsylvania, Squad of woodcutters Festival, where participants take part in a series of contests to test their skills. Here we see a collection efforts […]
No Beer
|Can you imagine a party with friends without beer? Nightmare, but there is a certain alternative. And it is good in all cases.
The Wolf of Chop Suey
|The Wolf of Wall Street sings System of a Down. A fun montage of Spaniard Marca Blanca.
The great war of the worlds
|The History Channel combine digital images and video file from the first world war, to create a short film inspired by the movie 'war of the worlds'. Large alien robots attacking soldiers and […]
It turned out the Ntiba disguising mid
|During a live television broadcast, a kid finds the opportunity to pull out the Diva that hides inside of.
Murals appear with black light
|Curtis Stokes, the artist creates murals which appear only when illuminated by black light. This method is called Ultraviolet fluorescence dye, and in this video we see a collection of various projects using […]
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|In April 2014 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, OOŽO ± N ' OǵPḰP'O · P ' µ OÏP ‡ On P'O µ µ Of OŽ · ... OêO ± PĠOÏO ± ± OŽO No. OêO No. OŽO · OĵO ± P'OïOìPĠO ± N † ® µ PġO Of About # OĵO # ± N † About ¬ About» About ± O No. OŽO ± PĐOïP. OêOïO # OĵPŇP'O ± OêO OŽ ¬ P'P ‰ PĐPŇ ± µ OŽO P'Oï PĠPŇ. The huge mammal sleeping upside down and rises to the surface to […]