A child sees a train pass with his father at the helm
Norfolk Southern Engineer Nuttle’s son watches Dad drive train on route to Binghamton NY via Southern Tier Line. Young man has seen several trips, but first time he understands it’s daddy driving. He’s shaking with […]
A beggar in Dubai
Panhandler approaching car a Sheik in Dubai. The scene is obviously staged.
The catapults of Marco Polo
These impressive catapults were made for the filming of the series “Marco Polo” which started airing in 2014. They have 6 meters height and can launch a 25 kg bag of sand 300 meters.
The PASOK's Varoufakis sponta
G. Varoufakis PASOK: 'Enjoy the 4% you will never see again'
The ice boat
The fisherman Goyil Clayton built an innovative boat can be moved up in the icy waters. For the manufacture of used metal pipes and a big oil saw.
The parrot in the mirror
The Marnie the Parrot plays with his reflection in the mirror.
A truck lost its wheels
You lost something – A truck lost its wheels in Russia
A whole new world – Kevin Gordon- Magic Carpet Ride – Aladdin
A whole new world – Kevin Gordon- Magic Carpet Ride – Aladdin
Police puppy captures suspect
During police training of King City (Oregon, USA), a police puppy 14 weeks execute the arrest of a suspect. The little German Shepherd comes from a patrol and capture the suspect.
Lazy Town-Cooking by the book remix ft. Lil Jon
Lazy Town-Cooking by the book remix ft. Lil Jon