A small owl loose water
|Within a basin, the little OWL Trude relaxes and floats like a little plastic duck.
That is to live with a cat
|A man prepares chicken in the kitchen for lunch of dinner, while his cat is perched on the kitchen cabinets...
Knotty Objects: Phone
|The phone lies at the foundation of 21st century human (and non-human) communication, and shapes these exchanges for the hand, for the eye, and in the mind.
Dog with bumper
|The owner of a blind Chihuahua constructed a makeshift device, which helps the small dog to avoid hitting the walls of the House and to find more easily the way. How convenient it is of course […]
Frightening tipping lorry
|Car dashboard camera in Russia captures the moment that popping the tire of a lorry carrying vegetables and the driver lost control of the vehicle. Luckily no one was hurt. The passenger in the car […]
Action movie filmed outside his home
|A man in Malta recorded action scenes from the filming of Michael Bay's '13 Hours', held near his home.
A smart dog catches the ball from the water
|This dog didn't want to get into the pool, and so he thought a clever way to retrieve the ping-pong ball.
Binteobomba Magi in tv reportage
|The duo of British magicians Young & Strange make a video bomb during a report by journalist Ashish Joshi, in the news channel Sky News. The two magicians perform a magic trick in the background, […]
A brisk guide on drawbridge
|On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 near the village of Bruinisse Netherlands, a very hasty and very clumsy driver tries to pass by the area's drawbridge. The 56 year old driver managed to get out […]
The strange cry of a deer
|In Japan, tourists encounter some domesticated deer in Nara Park. Having noticed that they pull out some strange sounds, approaching one of them. The deer then will make a funny and weird cry.
The rescue of a shark sfyrokefaloy
|On a beach in Destin, Florida, two brothers brought out a sfyrokefalo shark out of the water after you have seen that two hooks hanging from his mouth. Making sure not to lie close to the sharp teeth, […]
Motorcycle Limbo
|Alan Birtwistle Scrubbing the handlebars on the ground during the Motorcycle Limbo display at Dirt Quake 4 2015. Held at Norfolk Arena in Kings Lynn.
The terrible dance moves of a youngster in Music Festival
|During the “T in the Park” music festival near Kinross, Scotland, a young man shows off his dancing talent while Mark Ronson's 'Uptown Funk' plays over the loudspeakers.