Who will stop the Bullying;
|In a social experiment conducted by the TV UP, an organization against bullying, seeing a little girl sitting at a bus stop. Beside her are two of her classmates who constantly […]
Lock The Taskbar
|The 1982 song “Rock The Casbah” is famous for being one of the most commonly misquoted songs of all-time. Some people hear “rock the cat box” or “rock the asphalt” or maybe even “rock the […]
Humans In 1000 Years
|What will humanity look like in 1000 years? Watch as we cover some cutting-edge innovations happening today. Thanks to the National Geographic Channel for sponsoring this video!
Candidate for father of the year
|In the USA, a dad playing with his son in the snow. Prepares a huge snowball, and the flies in little while he runs away. The Nipper falls to the ground and starts to cry, While the […]
Large rock landslide in Switzerland
|On Monday, 19 OCTOBER around 9:30 a.m., a rock 2.000 cubic metres was detached from mountain Mel Niva in Valais Switzerland. The rock slipped from an altitude of 1000 meters, digging a trench in the forest […]
Fueled by the Future | Back to the Future | Presented by Toyota Mirai
|Watch the future become reality as two Back to the Future icons see trash get turned into fuel for a car!
Canceled wedding turns into meal for homeless
|It was supposed to be a beautiful wedding in Sacramento, but after the would-be-groom got cold feet, the would-be bride’s family was left with a venue, but no wedding.
Introducing MARTY, Stanford’s self-driving, electric, drifting DeLorean
|Stanford engineers built an autonomous DeLorean capable of stable, precise drifting at large angles in order to study how cars perform in extreme situations, which could ultimately guide the development of autonomous safety protocols.
5.000 ducklings make their first bath
|In China, an impressive number of ducklings run into a Lake to make the first bathroom. The small ducks come out for the first time since a breeder farm, and running to the edge […]
It takes a small Parrot to be happy;
|It is known that a cat needs a box. This Parrot is entranced with just with a paper towel.
The most creative way to leave a gas station
|Departure from the parking lot
What are these small spots in our eyes;
|Sometimes, When we look at a uniform, bright background such as a clear sky or a blank computer screen, We can see small specks floating in our entire Visual field. What are these animated […]
The good deed of the day
|As patiently waiting at a red light beam, a motosikletistria sees a little thing moving on the road. It's a kitten walks between the wheels of cars and nobody seems to have noticed. […]