March, 2016.

Unity GDC demo – Adam – Part I

(0) | 17/03/2016 | 0 comments

This is the first part of our real-time rendered short film “Adam”, created with the Unity engine by Unity’s Demo team. The full length short will be shown at Unite Europe 2016 in Amsterdam.It runs […]

Thief credit card theft device installs

(8) | 17/03/2016 | 0 comments

Accompanied by two accomplices, thug quickly installs a device stolen in bank card reader (to 0:17), at a store in Miami Beach (Florida, USA). While his accomplices employ the saleswoman, the third […]

Alternative ending Trailer Captain America: Civil War

(0) | 17/03/2016 | 0 comments

Captain America: Civil War Final Trailer | Spider Man Alternate Ending

The magic bottle

(18) | 17/03/2016 | 0 comments

Why it hurts so much I wonder;

Fox's laughter

(18) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

A man laughing in front of Arctic fox pets. Fox will begin and this in turn to laugh in a very funny way.


(1) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments


Remi Gaillard: the blind

(29) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

In his new prank, the Frenchman Remi Gaillard impersonates an awkward but headstrong blind.

When the Glowing called the 'Macedonia' FYROM

(4) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

in an interview on the morning show of Mega on January 25, 2016 , o Panos Glowing calls more than once the FYROM as 'Macedonia' when referring to the case of the name of.

The Johnny calls 'Macedonia' Macedonia

(4) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

The Johnny calls 'Macedonia' Macedonia

Irrational fears and unique solutions

(0) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

Bentley has a fear of both ladders and crossing cables. Combined, they are almost paralyzing. That is, until Bentley can tackle his fears butt first…

Fans of Eindhoven humiliate the beggars in Madrid

(20) | 16/03/2016 | 3 Comments

Την Τρίτη 15 Μαρτίου του 2016 στην πλατεία Plaza Mayor της Μαδρίτης και πριν από το παιχνίδι Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης – PSV Αϊντχόφεν, the Dutch fans have a deplorable act. While sitting in a coffee shop, […]

Folding a paper more than 7 times with a hydraulic press

(14) | 16/03/2016 | 1 Comment

User Hydraulic Press on youtube trying to fold a sheet of A3 paper more than 7 times, using a hydraulic press. Initially will fold the sheet 5 times by hand and try to […]

Dog Hops into Ocean

(0) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

Channeling his inner kangaroo, this golden retriever got a running start and took massive hops into the cool, refreshing ocean with his doggy friends.

Mutual salvation

(31) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

Six years ago, Eric weighed 154 pounds and had been diagnosed with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. The doctor told him that if you continue so, He was only 5 years old. […]

Creating fire with a lemon

(20) | 16/03/2016 | 0 comments

How to use a lemon to light fire. This method can not say that I serve someone in an emergency, παρ’ όλα αυτά, It is quite interesting.