How many Maltesers has in his hand;
|A man holds some Maltesers chocolate in his hand. How many is however; Be careful because there's a big catch.
Motion Matt
|A dog with protective cone to the head, found a way to keep the whole meal for himself.
3D printer for smartphones
|The OLO is a device that promises to bring the world of 3D printing on our mobile, at a cost of only 99 US dollars. The project is however still on Kickstarter. The creators say the […]
Paralytic Cerdita happy to wipe her bed
|Patricia gets very excited whenever she cleaned his bed. Pigs are the cleanest animals in the sanctuary, never defecate where they sleep and where they eat, so imagine the suffering they have on the farms […]
How to make a chocolate bottle Coca-Cola
|The user DaveHax shows us how to make a chocolate bottle of Coca-Cola, using the plastic bottle as a mould.
Meanwhile, at a car wash…
|An employee at a car wash pretends the superhero with two pressure water. Direct the Jet towards the ground and takes off for a bit, before losing his balance, amenity of his colleague.
When you realize that you put with a Ninja
|Two motorcyclists with Scooter argue on the road and descended from the machines to solve their differences. One takes a bat to attack each other, but has not calculated its capabilities rival […]
Two loving parrots
|Parrots Fabio and Gabriel are siblings from the same parents, having been born with a time difference. Have a very close relationship between the, and often Exchange kisses between them making the sound of a kiss.
11-Year-Old Twins Jam Out On Trumpets
|Watch New Orleans-style Dixieland band Pelican 212, led by 11-year-old twins Max and Kolbe, as they tear up the Little Big Shots stage.
Electric arc in high-tension cables
|The electrified high power cables can carry voltage of 1.000 volt residential areas up to 800.000 volts for transport over long distances. What happens when two such wires touch each […]
Monstrous gorilla tries to attack zoo visitor through glass
|Kijito the silverback gorilla charges and jumps onto the glass when the visitor has his back turned to the enclosure at Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska last week
Batman Lamborghini Uber Prank!
|Batman is the ultimate Uber driver in a Lamborginhi
Chandon – Jenson Button & Fernando Alonso – A Friendly Race
|This is Formula 1™, but not as you know it! Watch McLaren Honda Formula 1™ Team legends Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso compete in an extraordinary race of endurance and skill through Domaine Chandon.
A Sunday morning with the cat and the dog
|Sitting in the living room, a male record that passes on Sunday morning with his dog and his cat. Tells us that just wants to watch the news on tv, but the […]
The most troublesome twins in the world
|In Queensland, Australia, the two twin sisters and Paula Powers Brigette dress in the same outfits, Speaking at the same time, they have the same medical history, and share everything in life. an extremely […]