Start a Mercedes-Benz 407D truck after 12 years of immobility
|An engineer trying to get in front of a truck Mercedes-Benz 407D, that stood still for about 12 years. You will succeed;
Mom sees again her puppies
|When a female stray dog was delivered to the animal care centre Marin Humane Society, workers found that she had recently given birth. After research found the puppies and joined again with mother.
Things to Do In Hitman – Puddle Pile
|In this shocking episode, watch as Gavin and Geoff go on an eletricifiying killing spree.
Manual bicycle Simulator
|In Hong Kong of China, a dad playing the role of a bicycle Simulator with his little daughter on a child's tricycle. In front of a television screen showing a video with a […]
Makeup for curves
|The female makeup to another level, with techniques to accentuate or covered in other cases the curves of the body. Another reason for distrusting women!
The kitten and the pacifier
|This Cute Kitten has found a new game, who doesn't want anything to separate.
Twins who are truly & fully identical- Brigette & Paula Powers
|Twins are often used in studies designed to uncover the effects of nature and nurture. Identical twins share the exact same genes, so some researchers hypothesize that differences between them must be due to the […]
Accident in the home
|A cat is preparing for a jump from the ledge of a window, without great success.
Ylvis – Language of Love [Official music video HD]
|Music by M.Eriksen/T.E.Hermansen/V.Ylvisåker/B.YlvisåkerLyrics by V.Ylvisåker/B.Ylvisåker/C.LøchstøerProduced by Stargate
Wooden Beer Mug- The Making Of
|GSW Mugs are made of carefully chosen wood of very high quality, combined and toughened with stainless steel hoops, rivets, and handles. Every part of mug is hand crafted, carefully combined together in one solid […]
Don't do!
|A nipper trolarei his mom when she forbids him to approach a glass with water.
The best way to store plastic bags
|Mrs. Hannah Hudson shows us a smart way to store useful plastic bags at home, using a box of tissues.