The advantage of being a polyglot
If you can understand this video and read my description mean you polyglot. What can it mean for our brain, or the way we think; Can being a polyglot […]
Rescue a dog that was covered by tar
In Udaipur city in India, a dog was found in a barrel with tar from members of the organization Animal Aid Unlimited. The dog could not move and was stuck in the barrel for several […]
dramatic rescue
Police in the town of Holland Abbekerk identify rescue a sheep, he needed a little help.
in shooting (ad)
A man goes to a shooting range to practice, but it doesn't seem to be doing very well... An advertisement for the nutritional supplements of the German pharmaceutical company Doppelherz.
Police against demonstrators in the United States
The Portland police intervene when a group of demonstrators blocked traffic on 25 January.