March, 2017.

Friction welding

(22) | 30/03/2017 | 1 Comment

A collection of metal welding using friction.

Using friction welding

(0) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

Hypnotic Video Inside ¦¦ Welding movement ¦¦ Friction welding

Sea Turtle Entangled in Ghost Net Rescued

(1) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

This video shows the detrimental effects of so-called ghost nets on marine animals.

The thief was punished

(10) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

In a service station in China, a man on a scooter stealing the handbag of a woman who puts gasoline in her car. But karma will punish the thief, falling with the little scooter […]

The legend of the goat who knew the true meaning of the mountain

(0) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

This film was made in 1 month, during our fourth year in MoPA, the theme was the fear of heights…

Revenge dad

(19) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

A dad makes a farce of the small son, hiding droppings below a basin. The little boy has to quickly catch the 'bird' hiding under the basin as his dad tells him...

When you have a bad day

(8) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

A collection of people in unfortunate moments, who had a very bad day.

A small bat tries fruits first

(9) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

A bat six weeks experiencing first fruits.

Judge DESTROYS Ditzy Rich Girl

(3) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

Judge doesn’t take crap from clueless girl, Penelope Soto, during her hearing in court.Judge holds bitchy girl in contempt of court.Girl gives judge the finger in courtroom and says ‘adios!’Penelope Soto flips a judge the […]

Firework explodes in car

(6) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

New Year's Eve, a large firecracker exploded inside a car that was moving on a street in Baneh, a town in the province of Kordestan Iran. Thick smoke came out of the vehicle before the driver […]

Casting Remix with Ross Marquand

(0) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

Casting Remix with Ross Marquand

Attacking the Bowley Lock

(3) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

Attacking the Bowley Lock

Damn gravity!

(0) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

pole dancing

They managed to lose this goal

(11) | 30/03/2017 | 0 comments

In the match for the Argentine championship between River Plate and Belgrano, four players of River Plate come out alone with the keeper, and manage to lose an easy goal. The kipper of Belgrano […]

sorting machine of cardboard coins

(22) | 30/03/2017 | 2 Comments

How to make a smart coin sorting machine at home, using cardboard, glue and chisel.