How To Make A Electric Longboard Easy
|How To Make A Electric Longboard Easy. DIY World’s fastest Drill Longboard! Today I’m going to recycle my old baby bike, and build world fastest longboard with drill engine. Powered by the most powerful cordless […]
A squirrel jumps from tree to tree
|A squirrel jumps from tree to tree during the World Championship UCI cycling in Bergen, Norway, Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Seeing the bold squirrel, the crowd is excited.
Getting attacked by an angry trigger fish
|Out snorkelling on the Barrier reef, and this fella got all territorial and had a bit of a go at me.
Mirror spray
|The Mirror Effect of the company spray Rust-Oleum spray on the back of a glass and creates a regular mirror.
The prank with piranhas
|A group of youths made their friend into believing that dived into a pond with piranhas, throwing some food in teeming with trout water.
Different races react to videos from BBC documentary
|People of the Solomon Islands, Ethiopia and Mongolia react to a clip with polar bears from the BBC's Planet Earth documentary.
The telltale magician friend
|A magician performs his tricks in front of webcam, but the annoying friend reveals every time the secrets of magic tricks.
A little girl tries to play Game Boy
|A little girl having trouble when trying to play a game in classic gaming Game Boy portable. Having grown accustomed to the touch screens in smartphones and tablet, does not understand that should push the buttons.
A dog from Puerto Rico sees snow for the first time
|Gary Allen adopted a stray dog that he found in Puerto Rico, and took him with him to his home in Colorado of the United States. This is his reaction when he first […]
Cheetah vs. ostrich
|In Kenya, three young Cheetah chasing an ostrich. Excerpt from the documentary the BBC Earth Life.
Pizza with a stand-alone distribution drive
|Michigan US, the Domino & #8217? s Pizza tastes for the first time an autonomous vehicle for the delivery of its products.
The experiment of electrical
|One man manages to light a lamp with an unusual method.