A visual explanation of the blockchain
|This is a very basic visual introduction to the concepts behind a blockchain. We introduce the idea of an immutable ledger using an interactive web demo.
How to save yourself if you fall on a frozen lake
|The Kenton Whitman shows us what is the most effective way to be saved if you fall in the water of a frozen lake.
grunt Classes in a malamout
|An Alaskan Malamute learns to little sister how to growling.
How to break a glass of wine with your voice
|Our Johnson Gus shows the technique that can break someone a glass of wine with his voice. Will contest the cup saying among other things that can only be used for […]
John Cena Teaches Hugh Jackman Reverse Trash Talking
|When James shares his favorite part of professional wrestling is the smack talking, John Cena gives a quick master class on his specialty, reverse trash talking, and Hugh Jackman proves he’s a quick study.
The funny coincidence
|A billboard on a street Ireland alternates between an advertisement for vegetarianism and against the custom turkey, and that of LIdl, that advertise cheap turkeys.
No Other Way To Say It
|Director Tim Mason pulls the curtain back on the glamorous world of advertising in this short comedy about a voiceover actor trying to nail the right tone for a pair of indecisive ad creatives selling […]
Driver Loses Control on Wet Road
|Occurred on December 19, 2017 / Fort Worth, Texas, USA“I installed video cameras on my house because when it rains people leave the street and end up in my house, yard, and fence. I have […]
A deaf girl learns that it should become sister
|The 36th Lyndsey trying to explain to the deaf daughter Lucy he's going to be big sister. But the mother is not well speak sign language and the little 8-year old girl did not immediately understand. The […]
A little tiger scares her mom
|In a zoo in Japan, a small white tiger suddenly appears and scares her mom. An excerpt from the Japanese TV show “Hello Baby Animal”, transmitted in NHK channel.
How was this;
|A young man tries to make an acrobatic leaping a tall fence with his bike, but fails miserably…successfully. His legs will stuck in the rails in such a way, so as not to hurt.
An Italian grandmother learns to use the Google Home
|In The United States, an Italian grandmother 85 years trying to talk to Google Home appliance they brought a gift for her grandchildren.