The dog receives his drink
The Bear, a regular customer at Starbucks in Springfield, Ohio, receives as usual in the Puppuccino, a glass filled with whipped cream.
Giant dragon kite
Some pictures of kites rather fun during a festival in Indonesia.
The Chihuahua makes an amazing dribble
A Chihuahua makes a perfect rotation like a basketball player, to avoid a dog trying to get his game.
How to cut a watermelon in Mongolia
A woman in Mongolia quickly shred a large watermelon.
You have to be polite in all circumstances
The young parkour athlete Polianskii tries to descend gliding in a subway station stairs in Russia. But will stumble, and just dropped beside an elderly woman.
Instant Karma for a driver who doubles from the right
Instant Karma for a driver who doubles from the right
Magnetic rabbits
As two women trying to split the, three rabbits remain stuck together as if magnetized.
How dangerous can a table saw become;
Carpenter Tom Hinges attempts to show the camera how dangerous it is to 'kick' a table saw, and will be at risk until he get injured.
A sharp knife from bismuth
The bismuth atom is considered to be the heaviest among the stable atoms, and since the half-life is several million years older than the total age of the universe, It is the heaviest Singlet […]
Makedonowar – Don't falsify history (Metal Cover)
Makedonowar – Don't falsify history (Metal Cover)
The snarl of the king
A growling lion towering on a rock, in front of the zoo's visitors Lincoln Park in Chicago.
The most fun way to cut cheese
The Jasper Russell cuts a piece of cheese with a knife, imitating the sound of a chainsaw.