Motorcyclist escapes from police
|A rider who is chased by two police cars in Brazil, He manages to escape. Turns into a narrow and quickly hides his motorcycle behind a parked car on the edge of a sidewalk. The police in […]
Boarding the cruise ship with a rope ladder
|A woman arrived late to the dock where a cruise ship was about to depart from Nassau in the Bahamas. Crew members then placed a ladder, to be able to put the woman on board, […]
An accident in the workshop
|An engineer in the workshop will attempt for an unknown reason lift jack with a truck, while it is already on a lifting ramp. The truck will tip over backwards and found in soil.
Bull falls on motorcyclist
|In the village Meru India, a motorcyclist will collide with a bull that comes running from the opposite direction.
Tesla Model 3 in Nurburgring
|Tesla Model 3 Performance – At The Nurburgring 2 Laps
Inside the dishwasher
|Video with a GoPro Hero 7 camera that was placed inside a dishwasher, while in operation.
Cats in an aerial duel
|Two cats in a duel to the death, on the roof of a building. Cats fall from the roof and continue the quarrel.
Dyno to a remote controlled car
|A makeshift dynamometer for unmanned vehicles which built a modeller from Japan.