Motorcyclist will be hit twice by the same wheel
|A man driving a scooter in a tunnel in China will be hit twice in a row by a wheel that left a truck. The stray wheel hit with force the scooter for the first time […]
Girl crying for over half an hour over one legged goose
|A girl crying in her car because she discovered a goose with one leg
The spectacular of a caracal
|A Karakalou jumps very high to catch a piece of meat.
A Cessna aircraft lands without rear wheels
|On Friday November 29, 2013, an aircraft Cessna 210 Centurion 1960 had to make a forced landing without major wheels, at the Florence airport, Oregon. The pilot has shown great ability […]
Party Party Party Tik Tok Song Compilations | Party Party Party Lyrics | XXLarge videos
|#partypartypartytiktoksong #partypartypartylyrics #tiktok Party Party Party Tik Tok Song Compilations | Party Party Party Lyrics | XXLarge Videos►►Till the MorningMusic provided by Chris BrownWatch►…Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only.Dont forget to like and […]
The wild duel between two grizzly bears
|The Cari McGillivray was driving on the highway 37A in British Columbia, Canada, when found in front of two grizzly bears had a vigorous dissent.
Too much self confidence
|The short answer to why you should not play with a snake.
The Atlas robot doing stunts
|The company Boston Dynamics released today another video capabilities with a demonstration of robots Atlas. In this new video we see some awesome stunts by Atlas, who does somersaults, a jump opening […]
When the neighbors are partying
|The Youtuber Ali J but do makeup demonstration in her apartment, when suddenly interrupted by neighbors who make a party. A fun montage made by the user “The House of the Dank” […]
Fabio Wibmer goes for a bike ride in the city
|In this video entitled 'Wibmer's Law', the cyclist Fabio Wibmer do a walk through the streets five major Austrian cities: Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz and Linz. Traveling by bicycle, made a number […]
A child gets the gift that always dreamed of
|A girl in the United States is very happy, as for her birthday her parents bought her what she always dreamed of…
The moment you realize that you're an idiot
|A young man tries to break a bottle on the floor, without copes. The last seconds which silently realizes the stupidity of, They are priceless.
Rami Malek with the face of Freddie Mercury
|Thanks to artificial intelligence technology deepfake, we are one step from being able to resurrect dead singers and actresses on the big screen without understanding the difference. User Ctrl Shift Face shows us here […]