How a hydrofoil moves
The Hydrofoil or commercially called flying dolphin, or hydrophilic, is a type of ship that uses fins under its hull called water slides. Above a certain speed the main part of the boat exits […]
Start your day the other way around
Inspired by the movie Tenet, Norwegian dancer Daniel Grindeland shot a video of himself taking a walk in Oslo, Vice versa.
The right answer
That's why you should not make jokes with your friend's beer.
Fire in the fryer (fail)
The oil from a fryer ignites in the kitchen of a restaurant. One of the employees, who is obviously not trained to deal with such situations, will have the worst possible reaction: will pour water […]
Accident with a grinder
One man had a minor accident, while cutting a piece of metal with a grinder. The wheel disc broke, and one of the pieces was nailed to the craftsman's goggles.
Surveillance dogs
In a garden in Victoria, Australia, dogs Billie and Seymour have two special holes in the fence of the house. From there they watch their owner every day, when he returns from work.