Sealing a pipe with induction
|How to seal a pipe with the method of inductive melting. The induction Fusion is an application of Faraday's law, wherein heat is transferred to a conductive material by a magnetic field without the presence of native […]
'I'm not the only one who sees the cockroach'
|As he cooks and makes a Live stream on TikTok, o Lee Teharte δέχεται ένα μήνυμα από ένα θεατή του που του γράφει “Το ξέρω ότι δεν είμαι ο μόνος που βλέπει την κατσαρίδα” – ενώ […]
The magic with the balls
|An interesting and quite simple trick with three soft balls.
Cat attacks passersby
|A cat in Istanbul, Turkey, attacks every person who passes by her.
Jip and Janneke
|PvdA wants Jip and Janneke out of the library Too stereotypical male female!
Soldier shoots a woman (Uganda)
|On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, protests erupted after a new arrest of Bobi Wine, toy 38-year-old MP and main opponent of President Yoweri Museveni for the presidency […]
A bus driver in Japan drifts on a mountain road
|A bus driver in Japan drives dangerously into the many steep turns of a mountain road.
And as you clear the snow off the car…
|On the morning of Thursday, November 19, 2020 in Vladivostok, Russia, a motorist had an unpleasant surprise as he was removing snow from his car. A concrete slab was detached from the top of a building […]