“Can’t’ stop” song cover by animals
An unusual rendition of a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Separate the egg yolk with a garlic
How to separate the egg yolk with a garlic
Cows in a wrestling fight
Two bulls in the mountains of Mongolia have a heated argument. One applies a sophisticated wrestling grip to neutralize his opponent.
Painting a shop sign by hand
Iain Hursey uses a special technique and a lot of talent, to perfectly design a store sign. You can see more of his drawings here.
I went down the stairs by a sled with the fire, and a fire was caused
I went down the stairs with a lit sled and started a fire
Nike FlyEase: shoes worn without hands
This is the original model of a new line of shoes from Nike, which 'clip' on the leg without having to use your hands. They are called FlyEase and are expected to hit the market at the end of the year.
Police handcuff and pepper spray a 9-year-old girl
A nine-year-old girl was handcuffed and sprayed with pepper spray by police in Rochester, USA. Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson said Sunday that the girl – the […]
BMW M5 E39 Winter Ride
The E39 M5 arrived in 1999 for the 2000 model year and marked the first V-8 engine to be used in the M production car. And what an engine it is. The 4.9-liter atmospheric V-8 […]
The deadly slap
It seems that the screenwriter has exhausted all his imagination in this scene from a serial in India.